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Okay, this might be a very stupid question, but i can't really seem to find the answer for it.I'm looking at the pricing page and i am wondering what exactly is considered a workspace in Miro terms. The term is not used at all in the matrix below the pricing tables and i can't find the term “workspace” in the dashboard anywhere either.I'm referring to the one that says:Free: Single workspace with 3 editable boardsStarter:Single workspace with unlimited boardsBusiness:Unlimited private and secure workspaces with unlimited boards for every team and client If i google for “miro workspace”, i'm just being directed towards some marketing terms, but not too any functional application in the board. Is it the teams? is it the organizations? I just can't tell.Some articles in the support section also seems to conflict with the definition of a workspace It's a single teamA team in Miro is a shared workspaceit's a single boardA Miro board is an online workspaceIt's a “Space”a Space for each busin
I am using REST API to retrieve the cards on a miro board withhttps://api.miro.com/v2/boards/BoardId/items?type=cardmy board contains a significant number of items (>100) and i am using the cursor feature to fetch all of them.For an unknown reason some cards are returned with a geometry and position object and some other cards are lacking this information. I have been unable to determine what drives this change in the API behaviour as all cards seems similar when looking at the board web page. When i try to retrieve these items individually withhttps://api.miro.com/v2/boards/BoardId/cards/cardId I have exactly the same problem (no position or geometry data in the reply) This looks like a bug to me but if there is something i am doing wrong thanks to advise
Users should be able to reorder either the sections or the boards within a space. Currently, the order of sections is determined by their creation time, and there is no option to rearrange them afterward. As for boards, there is no specific logic governing their order when moved to a section.Having more control over the arrangement of both sections and boards would enable users to organize them according to the workflow of their projects, significantly enhancing the overall user experience.
If you want to export a piece of board to insert it, let’s say, in a PowerPoint file, the jpeg or the pdf doesn’t look right. However, if we an export to a SVG, it look perfect and it’s pretty easy to make it fir nicely.So, it would be great to have the opportunity to export to not only to JPG but also to SVG
What do you wish Miro AI could do? Interested in making Miro AI even better? Have a creative idea that could help you solve a work problem even faster in Miro? Add your dream AI product features to our Wishlist here. Share your ideas on Miro’s functionality with the community and the Miro team, discuss, and upvote ideas of other members. Get creative! Our team can’t wait to see your ideas! To help our product team process your wishlist item faster, follow be sure to include the hashtag #MiroAI 💡
I can login but then it loops perpetually on Firefox
As a frequent Miro user,I want to easily edit existing templates, save changes directly to the original template, and organize templates in custom categories,so that I can work more efficiently without creating redundant templates or navigating a cumbersome interface. Acceptance Criteria: Edit and Save Directly to Original Template: After editing a template, provide a clear option to save changes directly to the existing template without creating a new one. Ensure a seamless return to the previously opened board after saving changes to the template. Improved Template Navigation: Simplify the steps to open and edit templates (e.g., reduce clicks by streamlining the edit menu). Customizable Template Organization: Allow users to create custom categories for templates to better structure personal and company templates. Enable drag-and-drop functionality for organizing templates into categories. Simplify Sharing and Publishing Workflow: Make the sharing and publishing options intuit
How?From development point of view, it seems nothing fancy, while lots of components are present already in the Miro! As I imagine, to develop a prototype feature for Miro you need:a little bit smarter presentation mode a new kind of frame type (for click zones) a new kind of arrow type (for connections) switching between “design mode” and “flow mode”, to not confuse snapping. (When I design the prototype, I wont snap into any frame that represent a click / touch zone, vice versa)Why?I would create clickable wireframe prototypes.I know. Lots of other tools are in the filed. But Miro is a gateway drug for lots of emerging designer. This could be the next step for people who started to create flowcharts than prototypes here, and wont learn new tools. You wouldn't develop wireframing tools neidher, if you don't expect this, I guess. My usecase:I create almost all illustration with Miro. I even switched from prezi.com and creating presentations with your tool. But when we ideating wirefra
I’ve noticed that you have to transfer your low-fidelity prototypes to other prototyping tools. I hope you allow that here too so we don’t have to transfer to other sites or apps.
Just to give some context, I’m not a developer, but I have worked with other APIs before, including OAuth 2.0.I’ve tried to pass the client_secret, code, and redirect_uri as query params, the client_id, and client_secret as body params, and the accept and content-type headers with application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded, respectively.I've also tried to do everything as body params using application/json in the content-type header and a few slight variations.Nothing seems to work! I always receive the following message:status: 401code: tokenNotProvidedmessage: No authorization data was found on the requesttype: errorBy the way, I’m using Make to make the request.Is it me or the https://developers.miro.com/reference/ne-exchange-authorization-code-with-access-token could be improved?
It would be really useful to be able to draw freeform shapes that have a colour fill. We are architects and using Miro to run design workshops remotely. It’s really useful to be able to colour parts of a drawing in to illustrate ideas, but only rarely does what we want to colour relate to the predefined filled shapes available. Could work with the existing freeform line tool, adding the ability to connect the two ends to make a closed shape, or could be a standalone drawing tool.
How do I get the metadata from an `preview` type item? The preview items contain urls to external pages that I need to extract. [ { "output": [ { "id": "3458764612000528999", "type": "preview", "geometry": { "width": 250, "height": 223.5234375 }, "position": { "x": -340.9169006347656, "y": -154.68751525878906, "origin": "center", "relativeTo": "canvas_center" }, "links": { "self": "https://api.miro.com/v2/boards/uXjVLyMfaRI%3D/items/3458764612000528999" }, "createdAt": "2025-01-01T19:01:43Z", "createdBy": { "id": "3074457346783176524", "type": "user" }, "isSupported": false, "modifiedAt": "2025-01-01T19:01:43Z", "modifiedBy": { "id": "3074457346783176524", "type": "user" } } ] }] I also found that when you slect type `preview` from the dropdown in the official api doc
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