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Collapsible branches on the mind maps

Related products:Mapping & Diagramming
Robert Johnson
  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson

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J’ai hâte que l’option existe !!

Lena Shenkarenko wrote:
Paul du Canada wrote:

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


Hey, thanks for your feedback! In fact, it’s very timely –  we’re researching how we can improve mind map right now :) 

Has there been movement on this feature? It’s critical for org charts!

I too could like collapsible nodes to be added to Miro Mindmaps 

  • New Here
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  • July 14, 2022

Honestly -- this is the only reason I can’t fully use Miro for work and pursuade my boss to sign up for the paid plan. I have to use Whimsical currently for mind-mapping because they do support collapsible nodes. I’m working with mind maps/charts where there are hundreds of nodes (sometimes less than 500, sometimes over a thousand) and without collapsible nodes it’s just unusable.

The original request was made two years ago. I have had to use XMind in the meantime but 99% of our Team’s work is done in Miro, so this feature is hampering our ability to communicate.  The people we integrate with (across DOD) are a global community and from time to time have people participating in meetings from around the globe.  The largest group we facilitating using Miro products was about 250 both active duty military and government civilians and contractors. 

We have been promised a solution for that entire time, but no changes are visible yet. 

I find it hard to believe that a company that puts out as many fine products as Miro does, cannot make this happen quickly. 


  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • July 17, 2022

why does this not exist in the miro yet? this is standard in all mind maps, it's like a car without two of the four wheels...

unfortunately I will have to subscribe to the competitor's annual plan, but I would prefer to use miro because I can do more things,

but it's impossible without being able to collapse the "subjects", after all, an elaborate mind map would be gigantic on the work screen and it wouldn't even be able to focus on just one subject

Looks like this is a dead request.  I agree with the original ask:  not having collapsible/expandable nodes in a mindmap makes this type of board somewhat useless unless for simple, small work.  Much needed feature.

I should have seen this request before starting the mind map. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • August 2, 2022

Please implement this


Looking forward to this feature 😀

  • New Here
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  • August 12, 2022

We can’t say it’s a mind map if you can’t ‘ open’ the ideas while the maturity of the audience is actually growing the mindset of the previous idea. 

The human curiosity is driven to look it all at once, where it creates more confusion and lose themselves to the ‘part of interest’ where might not be relevant at the moment.

Collapsing and Expand is the difference between a PPT Chart and of how to follow up the brain construction by the Mind Map

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • August 12, 2022

I have been using mind maps consistently for years, and like the Miro approach a lot - however am thinking about dropping Miro for mind mapping because of this persistent lack of collapse / expand. It’s a seemingly basic function, and makes working with sophisticated mind maps quite difficult. Is there any near or mid term plan to add this feature - given that it has over 850 upvotes and this has been on the table for two years? Thanks in advance. 

  • Beginner
  • 6 replies
  • August 17, 2022

Time for ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’ strategy
i’ve put the idea in the developpers roadmap

and also everytime there is a new release, i’m putting it in the comment section.

I encourage you to do the same, comments everywhere, ask sales and support everytime, etc… if we annoy them enough, that should improve the odds that they prioritise it in their developpement backlog since they obviously don’t act on the users most requested ideas/features.



  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • August 31, 2022

I’m trying to rebuild a mind map from iMindQ into Miro, and the lack of collapsible nodes is extremely disappointing. Thankfully, I was able to get a purchase of Miro for my small team because I could replace my Gantt software with the same budget, but I definitely could have gotten more buy-in, organization adoption, and budget from my VP if the mind mapping was stronger.

I’ve been waiting for this feature for 2 years now. Can you PLEASE implement it? There are so many good reasons listed below that I won’t repeat them - I really need this too!

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • September 5, 2022

@Andrey Simonov :

3 ways to handle this:

  • Take it
  • Change it
  • Leave it


Take it: There is no way that this is gonna change - so use other programs for collapsing MindMaps … there are enough that can handle this


Change it: You have everything done what is possible to do so: You created a wish … voted for it … got response … waited … nothing happened


Leave it: Leaving Miro completely - really?
Take a look on other online-whiteboard tools - compare it:
No one is able to handle this … ähem … there is one:

With more advantages on their MindMapping side … see it by yourself ...


But … their whiteboard isn’t by far so good as Miro is … so 


Downside in Miro:

Collapsible branches are impossible … and real flexible MindMapping with every aspect are more complicated than in Ayoa ...


Downside in Ayoa:

Their whiteboard isn’t as good as Miro is ...


On a scale from one to ten:

How realistic is it that there will be collapsible branches in the next weeks / months if you look at this wish and all it’s supporters:

1 = It will not happen


10 = It happens in any case



You all, at Miro said 2 years ago that you are working on a solution. Where is it? 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 6, 2022

Gave up using Miro due to the lack of this feature, both for my team and individual work use.  Mindmaps without collapsible branches are just a waste of effort.

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • September 6, 2022

1=it will not happen 

I got an alert for this thread because someone posted and just wanted to reiterate what a killer feature this would be 

Someone pitched me a trial to another bit of software the other day that has collapsible branches on mind maps. It otherwise has ~10% of the functionality of Miro and I still took the trial because of that one functionality

I switched to (hat tip to Tobias Kirchhofer above) for mind mapping.  Glad I did.  The ability to collapse nodes is more important than I’d remembered from previous mind mapping tools I used.  I use Miro for other things, so I’ll keep my account, but is the clear winner for mind mapping due to collapsible nodes. 

I’ll jump on the dogpile here. I started using the mind mapping features in Miro. Good functionality so far. Would love to have collapse, please and thank you.


One collapsible mind map please...

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 18, 2022

Hi, I cannot believe that this capability is still unavailable. How are you supposed to keep on top of a complex org chart / mind map without collapsing sub trees? Please please do prioritize this.