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Collapsible branches on the mind maps

Related products:Mapping & Diagramming
Robert Johnson
  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson

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  • Beginner
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  • November 15, 2021

So the dev team of Miro does not or cannot listen to our very-normal-wish here?

I keep switching to other tools like Mindmeister or Dynalist when brainstorming and mapping complex topics and the ability to toggle/collapse branches is absolutely crucial.


There’s no app I use more than Miro when running my consulting business but this is one of the only features I still need other brainstorming apps for - the current mind map feature is just too basic.

Collapsible branches on the mind maps is a basic and mandatory feature for every mindmap so please deliver this as fast as possible.

  • New Here
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  • November 19, 2021

This is the only thing that is stopping me from migrating from different mindmap site to Miro.

God damn, just notice that this didnt work… Anuy updates on when it will be released?

We need this feature ASAP!

Hi Miro team,

Looks like this request is already 1 year old. And it is third most popular. I believe it is not as big feature to make if we compare it with Offline mode.

Why does it take so long to implement what your users request?

Paul du Canada wrote:

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


I totally agree! I am a big fan of Miro, but this is a major need for the mind maps. Anyone have any ideas for a work around?

This feature will be extremely important for me as I have to do multitudes of presentations through the mind maps and I want to expand each folded node as I explain in my meetings .


Please please pleasssssssseeeeeee incorporate this feature as soon as possibleeee and Save meeee!!!!

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • December 16, 2021

@all One general word about the miro MindMapping options:

Miro has got a lot of competitors in the market all with collaborative whiteboards:

So I do not know but I am quite sure that no one of this competitors:
Mural, Lucid, Concepboard, Klaxoon or whatever offers a real MindMapping function with collapsing nodes … no one …

Everyone of them got different Templates but no one of all of them is able to collapse branches …

because: They all created their program for other things …


So what went wrong?

  • Miro places a marketing one direction:
    With Miro you can MindMap …

    Mind Map Maker | Start Mind Mapping Online | Miro

    But who ever has created MindMaps like the inventor of MindMapping Tony Buzan mentioned knows … Miro is not a real MindMapping tool.

    It misses coulourizing / creativity and curved lines:


Beside the MindMapping rules that are not implemented in Miro and even not in other MindMapping tools Miro and all other Whiteboard Collaboration tools failing when it comes to collapsing branches … so ...

So Miro does with its marketing awake the thought: With miro I can MindMap - Yes you can - but not in an automatic way with the MindMapping tool - no way ...

It is possible with the Miro program without collapsing branches but following the rules of Tony Buzan:

I’ve done it manually with the Text-tool / Line-Tool / Iconfinder / Unsplash / Shapes …

If you are looking for a faster way to create MindMaps you have to look for a better only in One real MindMap solution … Online-Collaboration-Whiteboard tools are till now not able to offer a solution that are getting every aspect.



  • Experienced Community Member
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  • December 16, 2021


Don’t get me wrong:

The manual MindMap functions of Miro are more and better than any other whiteboard offers - Tom Solid has made a review of it - and I love it … but you will not find a way to collapse branches … 



I echo those above --- I would greatly appreciate this feature! Thank you!

  • New Here
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  • January 14, 2022
mr. charles wrote:

Very few mind-mapping tools offer collapsable branches.  This is so surprising because I personally have no use for a mind map that DOES NOT allow me to close the branches.

I respectfully don’t agree with you @Mr Charles.
Its an essential feature of the two mind mapping tools I have used in the past. And often used by me and others. 

must, must, must have this feature!!!

  • New Here
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  • January 20, 2022

Definitely upvote this, we just purchased an enterprise Miro licence across our company. There’s a lot of people asking how to collapse mind map nodes. Just found out you can’t and its been on the wish list for over a year now. Appreciate it’s not easy but it would really be a great addition.


  • Experienced Community Member
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  • January 22, 2022
iapainter wrote:

Just found out you can’t and its been on the wish list for over a year now. 



To be exactly for nearly two years in march:


and only one official mironeer ever answered shortly after this:


the quality of this community from miro site has changed negatively extremely … not even a word:

“Sorry folks, but this  MindMapping thing isn’t something we work on”

Even if this is not the option for miro … why … why they had never ever taken a single step to cooperate with someone of the MindMapping giants to create an app for their marketplace …


12644 views only one answer … from an official mironeer … (nearly two years old)

What kind of user-care is this?

Long time ago I posted here:

That miro is taking care about it’s users and it’s wishes … where are they gone … the mironeer-heroes …

Don’t you know that you should aswer a question … even if you say nothing or empty words but it is necessarry to tell your users something to calm them down and to give them a feeling of beeing heard and not ignored.

Where are the people of the management who are responsible for deciding:

“No - there will be no official miro statment in this case”

You are making a big big mistake … because not answering questions means loosing users …

How many of us do you plan to loose because of not answering




I was nearly to migrate to Miro but non-collapsable Mindmaps is a show-stopper and no-go.

Dear Miro support. I can understand that not everything is available from the very beginning on, but more than 1 year without even a statement on what you think about is not acceptable.

I’m leaving and will definitely not recommend Miro.


MIRO please… take a look at why this functionality is ESSENTIAL: 

Notice that I’m explaining concepts with a single focus at a time. This collapse feature is an absolute MUST HAVE. MindMeister does a great job at this: please see how they’ve done it and add this MUST HAVE feature. Thank you in advance. You want to own the market for online whiteboarding… you’ve got to grapple with the MUST HAVE’s for mindmap communities to win the game. please and thank you :)

Same here - to not can collapse branches in a mind map hinders us to move from to Miro.

  • New Here
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  • February 10, 2022

Reducing mind map nodes is an extremely important feature, as others have sufficiently pointed out. So please, think about improving your Mind Map Feature. Otherwise it is quite useless to really work with.

This is a critical feature. Please provide this asap. Thanks in advance :pray:

+1 to this. 

Has this been delivered yet? I am looking to visualise a tech stack-structure with multiple information level layers that are focused on progressive disclosure of information. This sounds like it could be an ideal solution for that.

Next to sticky notes, thinking in MECE lists is the most important aspect of any design work. It’s the starting point and the reason why mind maps are a fantastic tool in the first place. But the human brain can only comprehend the related complexity if you are able to collaps branches on a particular level. Not implementing this feature renders mind mapping in Miro useless. It’s way more important than any dark mode or offline usage. If you don’t implement this now, you can also remove the tool and loos half of your user base. Just my 2 cents.