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Collapsible branches on the mind maps

Related products:Mapping & Diagramming

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


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October 31, 2022

Hello all,

Drum roll 🥁… collapse and expand mind map branches is now LIVE!

Check out the product news post here for more details.

I want to personally thank everyone that has commented, voted and shared valuable insights on this topic - thank you. 

This thread will now be closed. Feel free to drop your comments and share your creations with others on the new product news post. 

Happy mind mapping,


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Lena Shenkarenko
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 97 replies
  • March 23, 2020
Paul du Canada wrote:

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


Hey, thanks for your feedback! In fact, it’s very timely –  we’re researching how we can improve mind map right now :) 

Great news. Images and boundaries would be great. Also in-cell notes.  Keep making the best collaboration tool out there even better! 

Yes, yes, yes!!
The ability to collapse mind map branches is crucial!! 
And the other cited features are also welcome.

Lena Shenkarenko wrote:
Paul du Canada wrote:

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


Hey, thanks for your feedback! In fact, it’s very timely –  we’re researching how we can improve mind map right now :) 

One of the most missed features for me as well. Do you have any update on the progress for an extended version of the mind map?

Collapse and different background colors for the different levels (not only color the lines) would be helping a lot to extend current mind-maps

Very few mind-mapping tools offer collapsable branches.  This is so surprising because I personally have no use for a mind map that DOES NOT allow me to close the branches.

This is super important in mindmapping to allow for focus during a discussion - too many open nodes distract.  Best tool ever for this was iMindmap (now ayoa).

Totally agree, the ability to consolidate nodes and temporarily hide them from view allows us to focus on what’s critical and hide what might be developed at a later date.  The beauty of a mind map is that you can dump everything from your brain onto the table, and then the power of a dynamic mind map is you can consolidate the madness to make clarity out of it :)  Would love to know if there’s a production timeline to implement this function?

Totally agree with the feature: once the mindmap gets big enough - it rapidly loses usability. On 100% zoom, I see only 1/8th of my map, and the inability to collapse other nodes is a bummer.

Of course! Otherwise the map can become huge and not friendly...

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 15, 2020

Yes, please please do collapsible nodes in Mindmaps. It’s a must! 


  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 24, 2020

We totally need this feature! Much love for the team! :heart:

  • Beginner
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  • September 25, 2020

I love using mindmaps for organizing my thoughts (also when working with a groups), but the Miro Mindmap really only covers basic needs. I suggest trying out XMind Pro for inspiration, which offers a great mindmapping experience (unfortunately non-collaborative, as it’s only a desktop software). But if you could replicate some of that experience, that would be awesome.


Best regards


  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 30, 2020

Really needed when presenting large mind maps.

Ideally, would have “expand this node”, “Expand this node and all children”, and “expand this node, collapse all others”.

The latter would allow me to easily keep a smallish number of concepts up at once (5-10), for comprehension by viewers.

I’m 100% in agreement with this! Not having this might be a deal-breaker and force my team to choose another tool. Please hurry up with this feature, Miro team!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 26, 2020


See XMIND for feature parity. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 29, 2020

do we have this yet?  or on the roadmap of when?

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 29, 2020
Paul du Canada wrote:

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


Agree. I just used it today to check the experience and see out what is the rave about MIRO is about. and this feature is a big let down for me since I create BIG Mindmap I was expecting the ‘Collapse/expand’ as basic or ‘must-have’ . Using X-mind I see the stark difference. X-mind may still be a better solution for me.

  • Beginner
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  • October 29, 2020
Todd Staples wrote:

I’m 100% in agreement with this! Not having this might be a deal-breaker and force my team to choose another tool. Please hurry up with this feature, Miro team!

Same here. For collaborative mind-mapping this is very tedious without collapse/ expand.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 29, 2020
Simon Nielsen wrote:
Lena Shenkarenko wrote:
Paul du Canada wrote:

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


Hey, thanks for your feedback! In fact, it’s very timely –  we’re researching how we can improve mind map right now :) 

One of the most missed features for me as well. Do you have any update on the progress for an extended version of the mind map?

Collapse and different background colors for the different levels (not only color the lines) would be helping a lot to extend current mind-maps

As a workaround for the background colors for different levels, I started using the text high-lighting feature to fill in the different shades.. sounds tedious and very manual (i know), but the result was alot easier on the eyes for my overgrown mind-map.. hehe.. so at least in my case, was worth the effort. Hope this helps..

Kirc @Lahö
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • November 4, 2020
Paul du Canada wrote:

To me, this is the most glaring of the missing features on MIRO right now.  This app keeps getting better and works seamlessly, but that one missing feature is really holding us back from going all-in.  


I would really appreciate this idea becoming a deliverable soon - is there already a roadmap on track?

Chris Nicol
  • Beginner
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  • November 5, 2020

This is critical to the use of mind maps at scale. Definitely adding my voice to this feature request. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 7, 2020

Hoping this gets delivered soon. Can someone at Miro at chime in with a rough ETA? 2021? Q1? Q2? Q3? Throw us a bone here!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 9, 2020

As others have said, I am quite surprised to not have this feature.  The mind mapping function isn’t useful without  it.  Which means I’ll need to use another app for mind mapping which makes it less likely miro will end up being the app I use the most. 

The feature is crucial, as other said. 

I worked with freemind [1] a lot in the past, might be a suggestion to look at how they did it there ?


It is a must. Now I moving to another tool because Miro is missing it.