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Collapsible branches on the mind maps

Related products:Mapping & Diagramming
Robert Johnson
  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson

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  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • March 19, 2022

Update 19. March 2022 - 13971 views - 126 replies: 

Two years ago since this wish was createdand only one answer from Miro … and no step into this direction …

My 2 cents

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 19, 2022

it’s really strange to see, that this feature of collapsible mind maps is still lacking.


This is one of the key features when you want to present a mind map to an auditorium and discuss individual topics.


Please, please Miro, do not let us wait too long on this

  • New Here
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  • March 22, 2022

Is there a chance this feature will get added any time soon?

  • New Here
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  • March 24, 2022

Please do. TY

I'm joining the collapse mind map club. Miro, it’s mind boggling this is not already done given how long you’ve known its a major issue. 

Henrik Ståhl

@Jason Collins Is it a major issue though? 🙂 I would love this feature as well, but I don't really see how it's an issue that it doesn't exist. Miro is a lot more than just a mindmapping tool, after all. 😊

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • March 30, 2022

@Henrik Ståhl it is pretty major. The inability to collapse content is overwhelming. You have to see the entire mind map at all times. But the same goes for other nodes. Even in a confluence document we often use the “Expand” item to hide an entire tutorial/gif paragraph so that it does not clutter the information. Having everything visible always is not great. 

The desire for this feature stems from the desire to abandon all other tools and make miro the prime destination for all our workflows. Instead I am heading to [redacted out of respect competing product].com this morning to look at one branch of my mind map and not get hit in the face with EVERYTHING I have ever written down in there.

2 years of begging and no movement. It is time that the community does realise that Miro ignores these wish-lists. Enough large companies are now locked in so that Miro can start ignoring their customers. It is here to make you feel you are being heard, but you are not. It’s a joke. Just look at the dark mode wish if you still think you are being heard.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • April 5, 2022

Absolutely, hope the research team could get this essential feature soon.

Hi there, I am new to the Miro community and as a big fan of mindmap, please kindly assign more priority to this essential function to expand and collapse nodes.

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • April 9, 2022

3 ways to handle this:

  • Take it
  • Change it
  • Leave it


Take it: There is no way that this is gonna change - so use other programs for collapsing MindMaps … there are enough that can handle this


Change it: You have everything done what is possible to do so: You created a wish … voted for it … got response … waited … nothing happened


Leave it: Leaving Miro completely - really?
Take a look on other online-whiteboard tools - compare it:
No one is able to handle this … ähem … there is one:

With more advantages on their MindMapping side … see it by yourself ...


But … their whiteboard isn’t by far so good as Miro is … so 


Downside in Miro:

Collapsible branches are impossible … and real flexible MindMapping with every aspect are more complicated than in Ayoa ...


Downside in Ayoa:

Their whiteboard isn’t as good as Miro is ...


On a scale from one to ten:

How realistic is it that there will be collapsible branches in the next weeks / months if you look at this wish:

1 = It will not happen


10 = It happens in any case



Henrik Ståhl

If people wants mindmapping features with full coverage, they should use a dedicated mindmapping tool. Miro is so much more than just mindmapping.

Any news on this?

Please do this.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • April 28, 2022

+1 for this, please do this asap

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 3, 2022

Hopefully with this being the third highest voted idea, it would mean that an upgrade will be released soon. :)

We sincerely need this feature, this is to me the most obviously lacking feature compared to the competing companies.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 7, 2022

+1 for this feature

We already use Miro for its other capabilities and would not want to go elsewhere just for mindmapping.


shouldnt be too hard to add this feature, patiently awaiting its release. 

Henrik Ståhl wrote:

@Jason Collins Is it a major issue though? 🙂 I would love this feature as well, but I don't really see how it's an issue that it doesn't exist. Miro is a lot more than just a mindmapping tool, after all. 😊

Yes it totally is a major issue.
Miro is trying to be a ‘all in one place’ collaborative tool. Mind maps are fundamental to collaboration and the lack of functionality here renders the mind mapping feature useless.

Eric H wrote:

+1 for this feature

We already use Miro for its other capabilities and would not want to go elsewhere just for mindmapping.


I feel differently about this because it reflects on Miro as a company.
We are long overdue an update on this issue. For our companies to invest and commit to Miro we need confidence that they acknowledge user requirements and have the courtesy to keep us informed. Two years down the road we have no commitment for this feature and no timeline. Or even an update.
If Miro cannot, or do not plan to, make mind mapping a capable part of their feature set, they should tell us so we can make an informed decision on whether to commit future development work and corporate data to their platform. 

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • May 13, 2022

@Aidan Bourke :

And not to forget:
Miro is pushing its SEO in this direction there they do they homework and investing money for an advertisment


But they are not able to give a single answer for the most standard-tools in every real mindmapping applications on the market …

Even chuck frey who does present visual-thinking-tools and MindMapping apps in his blog places miro not in the MindMapping app section - he of course place it into the section Visual Whiteboard section …

So it is time that miro stopping to tell their users - you can mindmap if it is not true … but mural or whimiscal does it the same …


Here is Chuck Freys MindMapping blog:



Henrik Ståhl

@mlanders Well, it's because Miro isn't a mindmapping tool – it is indeed a collaborative virtual whiteboard.

Buying Google Search ads with mindmap as one of supposedly many keywords still makes sense, because Miro do provide mindmapping features among a bunch of other things

Don't understand why Miro should “stop telling their users they can mindmap,” since they actually can. Not being able to collapse and expand branches is very far from “not being able to do mindmaps.” It's like saying you can't listen to music on Spotify because they lack one specific artist.

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • May 13, 2022

@Henrik Ståhl 

The Spotify example should be:

It’s like saying you can’t listen to music because music is only playin in mono and only one one side …

you can hear music ….


If you take a lool of all MindMapping apps on Chuck Freys blog you can see each and every MindMap App and even the Web-Based MindMapping tools are able to collapse branches …

MindMapping tools where there BEFORE miro was … even if miro pushes its marketing forward … a core funktion of MindMapping tools that users had known while they are MindMappingin it is clear that they tell: We need this

and a missing official statement by a mironeer in this wish is a sign of how users have been recognized by miro …


Ask yourself:
If you got a community with so many votes and the last official statement by yourself was two years old … what would you do as your customer …?

… and there are new ones. … and many many readers and they are asking themselves the same question: 

Why is there only one answer ….

Why not a word of appreciation … of spending time … of investing thoughts … to make a product better

Why not only one single answer:

“We have seen what you want … but we are working on other features …”


We both argueing from different point of views … 

  • one view sees more the perspective from miro
  • and one side sees more more from one user side

Isn’t it time that miro itself tells us users why we are not worth a single answer after two years?

Has it always to be that we users are thinking:
“Miro is thinking this or that and therefore we haven’t got an answer.”

This is a miro user community - made by miro and we have here official mironeers inside.

Why they haven’t got the guts to tell us why they leave us alone over two years with an answer to this ...

Why is always someone like me (I was long time ago the same way passionate about miro like you are now here in this discussion) or you telling what miro thinks instead of miro themself telling what we the users are asking for?



Henrik Ståhl

@mlanders Again, Miro is not a mindmapping tool.

I don't work at Miro so I obviously don't know why Mironeers don't join the conversation. But if I would guess, I'd say it's probably because 1) they've already said what they want to say and don't want to repeat themselves, and 2) many users in this post are self-centered and outright rude. I wouldn't want to talk to all of these rude people if I was a Mironeer.