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How Do You Miro? Icebreaker Challenge 🧊

How Do You Miro? Icebreaker Challenge 🧊
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Maria Piera Mattioli

Piera Mattioli

Service Designer @ Essense

Draw your Character Ice-Breaker


This ice breaker is perfect to start a workshop or an event with many attendees.
It allows people to engage with the Miro board while introducing themselves through a drawing. 


Time: 15/20 mins

  1. The participants are asked to introduce themselves by choosing between the drawing elements on the boards: a face shape, a hairstyle, eyes, a nose, a mouth, a beard and an accessory (optional). 
  2. They can either drag or copy and paste the elements in one of the boxes at the bottom of the whiteboard.
  3. In the text boxes, the participants will write their name and how they are feeling about the event.
  4. Once everyone has drawn himself, the facilitator can introduce the attendees by sharing the screen and walking through the different characters.
    The participant will have fun by looking at the final drawing and comparing it to the real person.


  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • August 7, 2020
  • Sailee Nagwekar
  • Industrial designer at  BSH Household Appliances Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd.
  • 7 Ice breakers to make your team active and bring them together!!!

    1.Draw what comes in your mind first -

    The idea of the game

    To make everyone draw what comes in their mind first and stitch a story together.

    The Facilitator

    Divides the team into two groups:

    team A & B.

    Teams job

    Each member must draw, what comes in their mind first on a sticky note. Make sure there is no text/explanation with the drawing.

    How it ends -

    Every individual must guess what the other team member has drawn and write a short description. For example for team A - Tom will guess for John, John will guess for Rebecca and so on. The team with the best story wins.


    2.Remote Riddle

    The idea of the game

    The riddle game is a formalized guessing game.

    The Facilitator

    Will post random riddles (green).

    Teams job

    The participants need to guess the right answers.

    How it ends -

    Mark the correct answers and give points.

    Make sure to post one riddle at a time.


    3.Three alternate jobs

    The idea of the game

    Is to get to know the team member's interest and passion in other fields.

    The Facilitator

    Asks to choose three alternative jobs - except their current role.

    Teams job

    Everyone will put up their interested profiles on to the post below their names.

    How it ends

    Everyone individually talks about their passion and explains their interests to the team.


    4.Thought process

    The idea of the game

    Is to challenge everyone's thought process and creativity.

    The Facilitator

    Proposes the following scenario:

    "Imagine you see three ants walking in a row and the last ant says "I am the first!"

    Teams job

    The team will be given time to put down their thoughts:

    Why is the last ant telling "I am the first!"?

    How it ends

    When no one has any more ideas.


    5.The happiest quest from past present and future

    The idea of the game

    Is to engage the team to know each other better.

    The Facilitator

    Asks the team to share their happiest experiences from

    past, present and ideas about their future.

    Teams job

    Each member fills out sticky notes with icons or pictures.

    How it ends

    After everyone share their experiences.


    6.Where do we come from and what is famous

    The idea of the game

    Is to understand more about the team members origin.

    The Facilitator-

    Prepares the frame along with a map.

    Teams job- 

    Each team member shows their home town on the map, and add images of famous places and food.

    How it ends -

    Once everyone is done, they explain the beauty of their place with creative images.


    7.Communicate your product

    The idea of the game

    Is to come up with creative ads, where random characters promote random products.

    The Facilitator

    Prepares an number of characters and products to choose from:

    monkey promoting a lawn mower, a squirrel promoting a life jacket,...

    In this case for example a zebra promoting a tooth paste

    Teams job

    Come up with an advertisement in 10 minutes with the help of a simple story board (4 - 5 key slides)

    How it ends

    Everyone will explain their advertisement story to the team.


    Hope you enjoy the Ice breakers :) 

Cozy Juicy Real

Thanks to @Marina@Maira@Iris and @Kristin for creating this wonderful thread!


We’re Jed and Sophia, creators of the online team-building game Cozy Juicy Real. We’re super happy to be participating in the competition.


Our apologies for submitting in the final hours...we were busy prepping for the Miro Offsite events today - so much fun to connect with the Miro teams. :relaxed:


We’re submitting a game that we call the Meaningful Month Icebreaker - it’s a question-based game that teams can play once a week for four weeks (can also be adapted to work for your team).


It encourages meaningful conversations and interactions that help teams get to know each other better, and bring their full, authentic selves to work. It’s a mini antidote to small talk. Great for connecting virtual teams of all sizes (played in breakout rooms) and integrating new hires.


We hope you all enjoy it! :)



Brief instructions: Every week there is a deck to draw from - each player will draw one card from the deck and answer a question. Players have β€˜tokens’ to interact with players - they can ask follow up questions, forward a question to another player, and acknowledge players with virtual rewards.


Instructions and two gifs are embedded into the board.


Best wishes to you all…!


Jed and Sophia Lazar

Co-founders, Cozy Juicy Real


Cozy Juicy Real

P.S. If people have not accepted cookies (discreet box in the bottom-right corner), the embed function does not work - an error occurs saying: β€œThe provided domain is not supported”. I was trying for a while and then suddenly I noticed it - and voila, it worked!


Just thought I’d share this in case others have had problems.


Happy Friday! :)


  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • August 8, 2020

Hey Pioneers :cherry_blossom:

Soooo many great ice breakers there! Thanks everyone for your participation :hugging:

It’s already the end of the contest, and we close this thread for further submissions. Now it’s time for our judges to review all the wonderful templates to find the winner!

Also, People’s choice will be open until August 14 so get voting! Share a link to your template with your network and get their support :wink:


We will get back to you on August 14 with the results of the contest and announce our Judges Choice and People’s Choice awards!

Stay tuned :yellow_heart:

  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • August 15, 2020

Hello @daniellexo @Paul Buntman @Marjorie @Thomas RTE @Sara Parra Aguirre @Megan Carson @Shreyas Gavit @Matthias Bastian @Tatyana Voronkova @Nina Torr @Tricia @Kai TΓΆpel @Brandon Zhou @andyvdg @Maria Piera Mattioli @sailee @Cozy Juicy Real, and all guests of our contest! :blush:

It’s time!

And we are happy to announce our winners of Miro’s first templates contest :dizzy:


πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ Drumrolls, please…


The winners are:

Judges Choice:tada::tada: MONSTER WORKSHOP by @Nina Torr :tada::tada: 
People’s Choice -  :tada::tada: LE MIRO CAFE by @Sara Parra Aguirre :tada::tada: 

Our congratulations to the winners! :clap_tone2:


Apart from that, the judges also wanted to give honorable mentions to:

I will reach out to the winners (and those with honorable mentions) shortly to get the details to send the prizes :gift:


We want to thank everyone for participating in this contest! Most of these ice breakers will soon appear in our Miroverse and will become available to all Miro users. Let’s hope that from now on, all workshops and meetings will start with an awesome ice breaker in Miro, and it will make our meetings as engaging as possible :rocket:


:yellow_heart: Thanks again, stay safe everyone and stay tuned for the next contest! :yellow_heart:

These boards are all A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

This may be a silly question but can i make a copy  of these boards and use them in my workshops? If so how do i go abouts doing that?

thank you all !!


  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • August 17, 2020

Thank you, @Debora Gallo :hugging:

Great question! We're currently working with every participant to get their templates published in Miroverse. Once the template is in Miroverse, you’ll be able to copy it to your team and use in workshops :wink:  

If there are any templates in particular you are eager to use, you should definitely let the author know you're waiting for them :slight_smile:

  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • September 28, 2020

:maple_leaf: Hi there,

Just wanted to let you know that our blog post featuring the winners of the Icebreaker challenge is live! Check it out :point_right_tone2:New Miroverse templates: Icebreakers galore!

Natalie Nedre

Time to start our next - March’23 - challenge! 
Read the details in this thread.
Please note, that we now calculate votes and likes in Miroverse for the people's choice award, so the earlier you publish the higher the chances are for winning.