How Do You Miro? Icebreaker Challenge 🧊

How Do You Miro? Icebreaker Challenge 🧊

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Userlevel 3

Piera Mattioli

Service Designer @ Essense

Draw your Character Ice-Breaker


This ice breaker is perfect to start a workshop or an event with many attendees.
It allows people to engage with the Miro board while introducing themselves through a drawing. 


Time: 15/20 mins

  1. The participants are asked to introduce themselves by choosing between the drawing elements on the boards: a face shape, a hairstyle, eyes, a nose, a mouth, a beard and an accessory (optional). 
  2. They can either drag or copy and paste the elements in one of the boxes at the bottom of the whiteboard.
  3. In the text boxes, the participants will write their name and how they are feeling about the event.
  4. Once everyone has drawn himself, the facilitator can introduce the attendees by sharing the screen and walking through the different characters.
    The participant will have fun by looking at the final drawing and comparing it to the real person.


Userlevel 2

Thanks to @Marina@Maira@Iris and @Kristin for creating this wonderful thread!


We’re Jed and Sophia, creators of the online team-building game Cozy Juicy Real. We’re super happy to be participating in the competition.


Our apologies for submitting in the final hours...we were busy prepping for the Miro Offsite events today - so much fun to connect with the Miro teams. :relaxed:


We’re submitting a game that we call the Meaningful Month Icebreaker - it’s a question-based game that teams can play once a week for four weeks (can also be adapted to work for your team).


It encourages meaningful conversations and interactions that help teams get to know each other better, and bring their full, authentic selves to work. It’s a mini antidote to small talk. Great for connecting virtual teams of all sizes (played in breakout rooms) and integrating new hires.


We hope you all enjoy it! :)



Brief instructions: Every week there is a deck to draw from - each player will draw one card from the deck and answer a question. Players have ‘tokens’ to interact with players - they can ask follow up questions, forward a question to another player, and acknowledge players with virtual rewards.


Instructions and two gifs are embedded into the board.


Best wishes to you all…!


Jed and Sophia Lazar

Co-founders, Cozy Juicy Real


Userlevel 2

P.S. If people have not accepted cookies (discreet box in the bottom-right corner), the embed function does not work - an error occurs saying: “The provided domain is not supported”. I was trying for a while and then suddenly I noticed it - and voila, it worked!


Just thought I’d share this in case others have had problems.


Happy Friday! :)


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thank you, @Debora Gallo :hugging:

Great question! We're currently working with every participant to get their templates published in Miroverse. Once the template is in Miroverse, you’ll be able to copy it to your team and use in workshops :wink:  

If there are any templates in particular you are eager to use, you should definitely let the author know you're waiting for them :slight_smile:

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Time to start our next - March’23 - challenge! 
Read the details in this thread.
Please note, that we now calculate votes and likes in Miroverse for the people's choice award, so the earlier you publish the higher the chances are for winning.

Thank you, @Dorothy Mankey! I prefer to keep people inside Miro during the workshop, and use only the links that can be embedded in the board thus they do not require opening other websites, so I always keep that in mind when choosing the rewards content. 

Userlevel 1

hi, can we post more than 1 idea?

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @sailee,

Yes, sure :blush:  

Userlevel 1

Love this icebreaker @daniellexo!! What the funniest thing you have ever seen in the highlight pictures? 

My favorite question here is ‘whats something you own that no one would have guessed?’ A lot of weird random items show up. Hardcore machinery, nerdy hobbies, etc :) 


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

:maple_leaf: Hi there,

Just wanted to let you know that our blog post featuring the winners of the Icebreaker challenge is live! Check it out :point_right_tone2:New Miroverse templates: Icebreakers galore!
