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Freeform, filled shapes

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Robert Johnson
  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson

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Kyle Chipman

It would be great if the functionality were close to the Pen tool in Adobe CC, adding and removing points, manipulated by a Direct Selection tool. Below is a board that shows the need I encountered; I have summed it up as Shapes, Fills and Vertices:

Shapes, Fills and Vertices


To those in this thread, I searched for the concept across the community and found that it had been suggested by others. Sharing the links below across all three postings. Freeform, filled shapes has the most votes, to date, if you want to boost the feature request.

Shapes need a dynamic acute triangle

Freeform, filled shapes

Create shapes from single lines

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 16, 2021

I am in complete agreement with this thread. As a new user, I have already bumped into the limits of what Miro can do for me. Without these features described above, I will not be staying with Miro much longer, sad to say!

This is also one of my main asks. Miro became an essential tool during the pandemic to collaborate and brainstorm remotely. We have been using it with students learning about layouts in architecture and with community members to get input. 

It’s been so successful that we want to keep using it, and this feature will greatly improve this process. 

Yes, this feature would be wonderful!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • January 7, 2022

Surprised Miro doesn’t have this feature yet.  I’m sure it’s in your ‘backlog’ already..   surely a fairly easy one to add?    Thanks in advance, keep up the good work! :-) 

Really seconding this long chain of requests. Please could there be a fill option for freeform drawn shapes. It woudl be game changing. Thank you

  • New Here
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  • February 17, 2022

I agree. Just started using Miro and this is a big flaw. I need to be able to draw freeform filled polygons to highlight different areas in urban planning scenarios. 

I wish I had a right-angled triangle instead of the one equilateral triangle it ships with.

+1, would be a really helpful feature to have.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • July 22, 2022

+1, I don’t often need it, but when I do, I need it very much.

+1 - This is a big gap in Miro functionality. Please give us this, Miro! Thanks!

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • September 10, 2022

I suggest adding a polygon fill with transparency. I realize others have made the same request, but I thought I’d ask again since nothing has happened in the past 2 years. The lack of this tool is creates a very noticable gap in the drawing set. I am am routinely forced to complete the most basic sketch diagrams in other programs and then import back into Miro, so creating in Miro becomes a routine hassle. Has anyone on the development team considered advancing this small but critical feature?

This is so necessary - do Miro see these posts? (serious question, not a dig)

  • New Here
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  • December 1, 2022

I do a lot of sketching / mockups and this would save me a lot of time. 

Yes, please - add this poly-line feature. You can look at the Powerpoint tool “Freeform: Shape” for inspiration.

  • New Here
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  • February 2, 2023

This would be a really beneficial tool for me. I want to be able to highlight areas on a 2-axis graph that aren’t a regular shape, as part of a UX workshop.

My alternative option is to do this in a design tool and import it into miro as an image. This would do the job but if I need to tweak it during the workshop, which is often the case this is made much more difficult without being able to do it directly in miro.

Throwing my hat into the ring that this would be an excellent feature for anything map-like - office seating plans, for example.

+1 for this basic feature

+1. I was shocked when I realized that it is not possible. The line connector is a bad alternative as at least one of the endpoints attaches to the object behind and becomes impossible to move separately.
Please miro team, this would be a game changer.

+100 on this. 

New user.

Surprised there’s no polyline.


  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 26, 2023

a very much needed tool!!

I really need this!

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • January 28, 2024

I too like this feature. Closed polygon fill would be so useful. But I see this has been a standing request for over 3 years now. Why the delay?

Yes 100% needed, poly lines and shapes that can be filled, then transparency adjusted. 
I also often have to create custom shapes in another program and import them, but then cant adjust. 

Google slides has this capability, so I imagine it’s possible here.    
