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Organizing boards in projects works fine, but it’s not enough when you want to use Miro as a serious archive for ideas, project documentation and company knowledge. I observe that if there are more than 5-7 elements per directory, it becomes less and less usable.

Every single initiative we start, creates 2-5 boards. And it’s just one initiative in one of our products. Without directories, project view becomes a mess and is completely unusable.

For me, it’s absolutely essential to maintain a basic structure of our knowledge and lack of directories is a significant blocker.

I think especially nowadays, when the whole world works remotely, there’ll be more and more boards that will desire the comfort of a cosy directory. :)

Hi, my team and I are currently evaluating Miro. Would love to see if there’s any update on this to understand if we should move forward after the evaluation.

This is definitely key for the product to scale, especially on an enterprise front. 

Organizing boards in projects works fine, but it’s not enough when you want to use Miro as a serious archive for ideas, project documentation and company knowledge. I observe that if there are more than 5-7 elements per directory, it becomes less and less usable.

Every single initiative we start, creates 2-5 boards. And it’s just one initiative in one of our products. Without directories, project view becomes a mess and is completely unusable.

For me, it’s absolutely essential to maintain a basic structure of our knowledge and lack of directories is a significant blocker.

I think especially nowadays, when the whole world works remotely, there’ll be more and more boards that will desire the comfort of a cosy directory. :)

I hope and wish to see this coming soon. It will bring Miro to the next level. Trust me, 1000s of MS Whiteboard and other platforms users will switch to Miro by adding this feature only.

This is a much needed capability, especially for larger organizations. Looks like the related Idea was logged a year ago.

Miro - can you be transparent with where this is at in terms of priority?

Hi, my team and I are currently evaluating Miro. Would love to see if there’s any update on this to understand if we should move forward after the evaluation.

This thread has been great to read through. Our team is currently embarking on a huge ‘clean up’ of all of our Miro boards as they have become messy due to the Project folder capabilities. For our use of Miro, we ideally need better ways for our whole team to be able to archive and discover boards across various different projects.

I was surprised that the original post was made a year ago and, like Fatima and Ben above, I am commenting now looking for an update. 

Along the same lines as (or building onto the ideas of folders) is the use of “labels” instead of folders. You could create and assign a label (or multiple) to certain boards in a project and then filter a view using the labels. You can see how this works in other software platforms, such as Airtable (a favorite database platform). 


Just here to support the thread, we love Miro and have gone all in but as we have gone all in our instance is starting to get messy and we are just losing information in the forrest. 

I truly don’t understand how this is not a feature yet. It’s frustrating to see that such basic functionality is not implemented while you guys pump out updates all the time.

Over one year on this is the 4th most requested item on the wish list- are there any plans to work on this feature?

We’re considering moving over from Whimsical. From a board features perspective it’s a no-brainer, but not being able to organise our projects is honestly a dealbreaker.



This feature is a must have for users that have many boards across many projects

Is anyone working on this? Haven’t felt amazed much by any new features from the recent updates. So wondering why this feature hasn’t been implemented yet...

@Anton Telitsyn - any plans to introduce it in 2022? We’re seriously considering leaving Miro all together because of this shortcoming.

any news on this topic?

I appreciate some other features added recently but I feel like missing this one is a really big gap. If you create more than 20 boards, you WILL need a way to group the boards at some point (and group the groups under groups). Having just one level (projects) is hardly sufficient when you create more content.


Why I'd like to group boards in a project is because as I keep adding boards to a project, it becomes a bit overwhelming to keep track and find the right ones.
I like to create wireframes, process flowcharts etc about different aspects of the product I manage and now I've reached the point where I have several boards about different product areas. It would be ideal if I could create a group for the boards about one particular product area. Then my collection of boards would be easier to navigate.

I don't want to create a new project for each group of boards because then it means I will have split my product areas between projects and I lose context. It could work but I don't feel like it's my first choice.

The only other alternative I see for now is to use some naming convention and sort alphabetically. But I prefer to see the ones I last worked on because it's easier.


So pretty please… I don’t want to become frustrated with Miro because I love it. But this is kind of essential housekeeping stuff that will need to be addressed soon.

I just wanna share my 2 cents. I didn’t read through all of the replies but I like @David Watkins approach. I did something similar. I have a board that serves as a navigational directory with large stickies named accordingly and linking to other boards. The stickies are grouped by content. This is really helpful as far as general navigation and onboarding new team members. But it’s not really scalable, requires maintenance. I’m not going to say I want “x” thing, but finding the right board in a project with ~60 boards is a pain point I’d like to have resolved.

Very surprised this isnt a feature.  Didnt realize it wasnt before I paid for my whole team to have licenses.  Probably would have gone a different direction had I known.  Folders and Labels are such a basic requirement, can’t believe its not available.  This has been raised now for over 1 year and still not released?  This is one of those low investment high return type enhancements that would have been a great opportunity.  Makes me question if this company continues to invest in this product or has set its sights elsewhere. 

Is it really a dealbreaker though? :thinking:  You can star specific boards, filter on Owned by anyone/Owned by me/Not owned by me, and sort by Last Opened/Last modified/Alphabetically/Last created. And since it’s a web app, you can always use cmd+f (or ctrl+f if you’re not on a Mac) and search for anything.

I totally understand that this is a highly valued wish list feature, but leaving Miro altogether because of it not being implemented sounds a bit drastic. :slight_smile:

Just jumping in for the first time to say how valuable this feature would be for our teams. We’ve been using Miro for maybe 2 years now, and the number of boards we have to search/sort through is getting out of hand. 

For us, it’s not always immediately obvious who a board owner would be, or what the board name is. Being able to organize with another level (e.g. by our respective departments within a project) would be a giant step forward for us. 

The lack of this feature has been a big surprise to some of our newer users. Please Miro, consider implementing this as a priority. It’s discouraging to see it stalled for so long.

I really don’t get how people at miro could consider even releasing a MVP without this folder feature. And know, years later, this is still missing. Please check your prioritization Miro product people...

@Mathias_B If I got a penny every time I read a comment like that about a missing feature, I could have retired from work in just a couple of weeks… 😂

Better Organization for my many boards


Goes into the same direction like this wish:

And notice @Anton Telitsyn answered this … so you can see this wish is seen and they working on it …

so … it is a question of time … maybe of a long time journey when its implemented … one day it will

and if not from miro - maybe from a competitor …


We are trying to go through a process that streamlines the way to approve and retire boards from a “master” board. 

I am surprised there isn’t a more dynamic way to sort these boards by now. Seeing that this thread is almost 2 years old is a bit concerning. 

As many have said within this thread, I’m also surprised that this request has been open for 2 years now. Without this feature, we appreciate Miro as a tool, but don’t consider it a platform we can use to organize / run our business. And because we feel this way about its use inside New Haircut, we treat it the same within the work we do inside our client companies.

MURAL seemed to have figured this out last year. Hopefully Miro treats this with a bit more urgency / importance soon, too.

New user and customer here, and I was completely baffled when I just now realized that there’s no hierarchical grouping of boards, except for some contrived combination of teams and projects which really doesn’t cut it (we prefer to use those concepts to manage, well, teams and projects!). That makes this product difficult enough to use for solo purposes, let alone for a sizable team that will be running full steam ahead with continuous discovery within not too long. Please address this!

Our company also recently joined Miro. The inability to add folders (and layers of subfolders inside those folders) within a project is absolutely crucial for our company’s ability to organize across multiple teams and roles. 

Please add this functionality!! 🙏🏼