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Folders (directories) in projects

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Paola Quintero

The sections feature on the side panel is a disaster. 😡

We just need folders to organize the projects, that's all we need. 

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • January 9, 2025

It really does seem like such a terrible implementation that you wonder how they could get it so wrong. 

Sections act as folders so thats good, but only after you find and access a board. So sections are inconsistent, how can you use a feature if it’s only there if the user is accessing it from the right place. 

If adding a feature that helps organise why wouldn’t you start with the entry point to accessing boards, I hope they are planning to add sections to the dashboard but I am still puzzled why they would release it in stages like this as it’s just confusing. 

Mike Mansfield
Manouska J wrote:


Is there any update on this?  It’s been “In Development” for roughly 16 months and I haven’t seen any details on exactly what is being developed or any timeline on progress or delivery.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7274 replies
  • January 10, 2025

@Mike Mansfield - I’ll share what I’ve discovered so far.

The solution appears to be “Sections”, and they are currently available, but only from within the context of a board, and on the desktop version. But let’s back up a bit. Projects (which were Miro’s versions of folders) are now Spaces. Miro’s version of subfolders/directories appears to be Sections - here’s a bit more about this:,Spaces%20%26%20Sections,-Here%E2%80%99s%20an%20update

And what this looks like from within the context of a board:

The rollout and functionality appear to be very incremental as they can only be accessed from the Spaces sidebar while on a board, and the Sections created cannot currently be reordered.

Since Sections are only available from within the context of a board, I am not even using them as this time, rather I created one as a test.

Mike Mansfield

Thanks for this ​@Robert Johnson 

I’ve tried the new Section feature and it essentially is a single level folder immediately below a Space.  While helpful, it’s also very limiting.  Like you, after testing I’m in a “wait and see” mode until they introduce Sections on the Space landing page.



