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Folders (directories) in projects

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It would be nice just to be able to group boards into sections as an MVP. 

My company would structure like so: Organization>Product group (currently “project”)>Project name (collection of boards)> board

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 28, 2020

That would be great to have Sub-Categories in Projects.

 I am using Miro for literally every aspect of my job / planning and I am seriously missing Folders option.


Project “Pepsi CO” → Folder “Advertising Campaign Drafts” → 10 Drafts of Mindmaps and etc…


Please, Dear Miro Team ;D Could you make this option available? 

  • Beginner
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  • October 29, 2020

That’s great idea, I wish this will come live some day…

It’s impossible to move boards also…

That would be great to have Sub-Categories in Projects.

 I am using Miro for literally every aspect of my job / planning and I am seriously missing Folders option.


Project “Pepsi CO” → Folder “Advertising Campaign Drafts” → 10 Drafts of Mindmaps and etc…


Please, Dear Miro Team 😉 Could you make this option available? 

Adam Karminski
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  • 16 replies
  • November 15, 2020

Time for my quarterly question - any news? :)

Anton Telitsyn

Hey @Adam Karminski! No big news here, but it is definitely on our radar and we are investigating possible ways to improve this part of the product.

Thanks for bearing with us!

Adam Karminski
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  • 16 replies
  • November 16, 2020

Thanks Anton, I appreciate the effort. Good luck!

We are still waiting for this feature @Anton Telitsyn. Is there any good news?

Anton Telitsyn

Hey @Osman Tuncay Ağar

Not yet, sorry, but could you share you use cases? Why do you need some kind of sub folders?

I’m really keen on getting this feature - at the moment, our team has many Miro boards for different purposes under our project and it can be so hard to find what you need. It would be really handy to be able to create folders within a project so that we can organise/navigate easily. We relied so heavily on Miro for collaboration in 2020 and I suspect this will be the case for 2021 too. Please can the Miro gods smile upon us? :grin:

Anton Telitsyn wrote:

Hey @Osman Tuncay Ağar

Not yet, sorry, but could you share you use cases? Why do you need some kind of sub folders?

Dear @Anton Telitsyn, without a folder system the boards are getting too complicated. In Microsoft OneNote, you can organize everything into sections, folders, subfolders, pages, and even subpages. In fact, this feature shouldn't be a luxury to organize apps like Miro in 2021. It is a must. I want to be more organized, not complicated. Thanks in advance.

  • New Here
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  • January 17, 2021

I love the way ClickUp is managing it’s projects through workspaces, groups and lists. This enables basically any combination.

In Miro, if you add grouping - that’s it. It would let us organize however we want. Tag’s are awesome for quick finding of content, but most of the organized people will use folders.

Christophe GESCHÉ

Wayne Helpard

My only gripe so far is there is not enough organizational depth. I have many projects, and each project can contain many different services or major topics I want to keep my boards organized in.

Even one more level would be boss.

Kyle Chipman

This is a wicked use case and a tremendous thread of thinking. I think this was already mentioned earlier, but the approach of directory would allow the platform to interact with other platforms in our stack for scalable permissions.

Generally speaking, I’m always in favor of hierarchies and relationships. In my mind, this thread naturally extends to flexible template / batch resource management, with defined in-points affixed to hard values (brand standards, board export requirements, etc) and more fluid kit-of-part components that, in the case of Miro, share the same shape and text scaling values for easy transfer across boards. For instance, my starting scale is 48pt. bold, shape stroke weight mid-slider.

If I had to figure out a way to build this structure tonight with tools in-platform, I would leverage naming conventions and Templates, where Templates would serve as the project or initiative’s stock starting resources.

Robert Johnson
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  • March 17, 2021

+1 for labels, like how Gmail does it.

Anton Telitsyn wrote:

Hi @Adam Karminski !

Tags and a hierarchical structure both make sense, we haven’t made any decisions yet, but yes, let’s continue the discussion and bring new great ideas and examples. Once we have something to test, I’ll definitely get back to all of you for feedback.

Could you elaborate on your experience with tags? How did you use them? Was there an option to create hierarchical tags?

Adam Karminski wrote:

If you try to use tags for all organising purposes, functional grouping gets mixed up with hierarchical grouping and (speaking from my experience) tags would quickly grow into an enourmous list.



Hi @Anton Telitsyn, is there any update on a potential folder structure for projects? We just purchased Miro for our entire org (150 seats) after using it successfully within our design team (10 seats) and it’s going to get messy fast without this feature. Worried it might discourage uptake within the company.


Our use case:

We run a matrix style organisation with horizontal skills teams (design, tech, geospatial intelligence) and vertical market challenge areas (agriculture, marine, transport) and would like to have appropriate folder structures to sort everyone's whiteboards into these two broad areas. Our structure might look like this:

Root: Company XYZ (This can also contain company wide boards)
> Horizontal Team Boards

> > Team A

> > Team B

> > Team C etc…

> Vertical Challenge Area Boards

> > Challenge Area 1 

> > Challenge Area 2 etc…


Ideally changes to top level folder structures would be limited to admin users only to manage this within a 150 person org. Within each team/challenge area folder users could make new projects but Ideally we’d like to restrict the folder structure to the admins to keep it well organised. In our Org I don’t see an issue with everyone being able to see every other teams boards etc, people can always restrict access using your existing tools if required. However I understand in other organisations hidden folders and projects might be useful.

Adam Karminski

Yeah, I think that lack of organization tools might be one of the main blockers for adapting Miro even in medium-sized enterprises.

Markus Arndt

I have tried to use Miro for lightweight “back of the napkin” technical specification, but I give up. I love how seamless everything works, but the lack to structure just creates a huge chaos.

@all: Before I go back to heavy tools such as Enterprise Architect: What are some lightweight alternatives to Miro who solve this better?

I want to back my board truck right into a folder garage :truck:

p.s. I <3 Miro. It has made the last year bearable. 


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • May 31, 2021
Markus Arndt wrote:

I have tried to use Miro for lightweight “back of the napkin” technical specification, but I give up. I love how seamless everything works, but the lack to structure just creates a huge chaos.

@all: Before I go back to heavy tools such as Enterprise Architect: What are some lightweight alternatives to Miro who solve this better?

How are you capturing these specifications, e.g., in user story/individual work item format or a flow-type diagram?

If the former, I stopped using sticky notes and went with Cards in a Kanban or User Story Map framework.

And for diagrams, and if you don’t absolutely the real-time collaboration that Miro offers (and could just share your screen) then you could try

Kevin Kinisky
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  • June 1, 2021

Having an additional level below projects would be beneficial. Having a robust structure that can scale is key.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • June 1, 2021

@Anton Telitsyn are there any updates on this?

In MS teams we have a Team per project and a channel per area path. We sure would love subfolders.

Anton Telitsyn

Hey @Andy Shaw! We do understand the importance of the content structure. A robust solution requires some specific steps and proper prioritization - please bear with us!

  • Beginner
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  • June 2, 2021
Anton Telitsyn wrote:

Hey @Andy Shaw! We do understand the importance of the content structure. A robust solution requires some specific steps and proper prioritization - please bear with us!

Thanks @Anton Telitsyn for the update. I’m fairly new to Miro, so please forgive my ignorance, do you have some form of product road map that we could see this item on? 

Anton Telitsyn

Hey @Andy Shaw! Sorry, we don’t have a public road map.
