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Ability to swap objects (like the smart selection on Figma)

As a creator, 

I want to be able to more quickly and more accurately change the position of two items, 

So that I don’t accidentally impact other elements on my board.

Essentially, what Figma do with their smart selector (see:


Often when working on diagrams, my team and I decide we want to change one of our objects. When we remove an item in the diagram, it means that we then have to reconnect all of the other objects, and hope that we haven’t missed anything. This is okay (albeit slow) for simple, linear diagrams, but when we have more complex diagrams, making a change can mean we didn’t connect everything. 

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4 replies

Yeah! Definitely an upvote from me as well. I find myself wishing that I can quickly swap items on a board to save time and also reorganise my thoughts or flows.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 23, 2022

Another upvote from me

How can I upvote this 100 times?! 

It’s a feature you never think you need and then you find yourself using it constantly. I really miss it when I swap from Sketch / Figma to Miro. 

Would love to see this added. 

upvote from me; because connected object added by shape tools is placed randomly. This small helper will really help
