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Select similar objects (like empty sticky notes)

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I am copying many cells from excel into Miro, and there are lots of blank cells on different rows and columns which come through as empty sticky notes in Miro.


The ability to select all empty sticky notes within Miro, saving me loads of time deleting empty post it notes.

This idea can be expanded to match / better the functionality in Adobe Illustrators menu function SELECT->SAME or SELECT->OBJECT 

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An additional feature of this would be to only select the similar objects that are visible. I use this for workshops and have the same template duplicated all over the common board. I would like to be able to zoom in and select all the post-its in that area without selecting the rest. Often I would like to lock the template without the added post-its and I need to manually de-select them all before locking the rest of the objects.  

Yes to select the same shapes with the same style would be a AWSOME features

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 25, 2021

If I may add on to this, it would be awesome to have a feature where you can select all shapes with the same fill or line colour and be able to easily change these in one click. Like the feature Adobe Illustrator has.



  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 26, 2022

Figma has this feature as well:


Lauree Schloss

Yessss!  Give me a way to delete all empty stickies!

I know this is old but wanted to chime in and show my support for this idea. Currently, I am running into an issue where a feature like this could save me an hour+ of redoing dozens of objects.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • December 19, 2023

This is pretty important productivity feature. 

Even when you have an architecture diagram, there’s no easy way to select all nodes (e.g. rectangles) without selecting the lines. 

The implication is that you cannot batch update the style of the elements, and have to go clicking one by one, taking care not to accidentally click on a line otherwise the menu of options for what can be done, reduces drammaticaly. 

Adding on - very important feature, especially in complex mapping, particularly spider web/mind mapping etc. 

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We understand the frustration and appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.
For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,
Miro Community Team

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 6, 2024

Has anything like this been implemented yet or being planned?