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Miro is fantastic on a massive screen. It’s like you can see, arrange and rearrange your mind in 2d. The bright background and colours work well for feeling energised, fresh, and productive early in the day. For those of us who get more done during the night, however, the brightness can feel glaring and have the opposite effect, causing fatigue, especially with extended use.

It feels like a godsend to night-owls that the software industry is finally recognising our needs with dark mode being added to everything. While the implementation would understandably be no small task, I, for one, would greatly benefit from dark mode being added to what has become a fantastic tool in my work and lifestyle.

Thank you for Miro, and the Wishlist,

The Miro desktop app looks so much like my web browser that I get a little disoriented when switching between them throughout the day.  If it stood out more that would help. This is why I want dark mode!  (Or a least a way to customize the app theme)

Absolute must have, in order to remain compliant with DDA/ADA requirements.

I can barely see the screen after any period of use with the glaring white background. Please add this as a priority.


But I’m not surprised that it hasn’t been implemented yet. Dark mode is a pretty complex feature, it’s very important to get the colours and shades right. I tried the workaround @Petrus describes but it didn’t sit right with me at all. So I’m thinking that the Miro team might be working on this, but thoroughly. Because releasing something that isn’t close to perfect could be disastrous. That’s what I think anyway. :blush:

the only reason that we do not use Miro on a daily basis is the absence of dark mode. 

its a shame really :/ 

I use miro everyday on a 49 inch monitor,often in the dark and the all white board just burn my eyes now I have to create a huge dark grey box to make it nice to work on, is it possible just change the color of the default board background that feature would be bery much appreciated


thank you guys 

Seriously poor of Miro! Almost 35’000 views. Almost 1000 votes, and still no feedback, timeline or anything else. Terrible customer service.

In 2022, dark mode is not a special feature. It is commonplace.

Responding to customers is not a special service. It is commonplace.

This is just ridiculous.

Miro urgently needs a dark mode option. In a workshop, each user should be able to choose to use dark mode or not. The content does not change, only the user’s perspective of that content is styled based on the user’s preference for dark mode or light mode.

Please provide dark mode, this is the only app I am using doesn’t have dark mode…...

Dark mode vote. visual app would benefit from careful use of color.  

P.S. The best case for dark mode is that is is an essential accessibility feature. 

It would be less complex to at least introduce a “change board background” feature that would be applied at the board level and not the user level.

@Robert Johnson Yeah, a “change board bg color” is a feasible MVP. However, some people – like @Freya.j – mention accessibility in this post, and the fact is that white text on dark background isn’t always accessible.

White text on a black background, or “dark mode,” makes the eye work harder and open wider, since it needs to absorb more light. When this happens, the white letters can bleed into the black background and cause the text to blur, which is also known as the “halation” effect.

That’s why being able to switch between light and dark mode individually is a better option. Although people can still do the workaround of adding a dark-colored shape with light text, so the “change board bg color” solution probably wouldn’t do much harm anyway. 🤷‍♀️

@Robert Johnson Yeah, a “change board bg color” is a feasible MVP. However, some people – like @Freya.j – mention accessibility in this post, and the fact is that white text on dark background isn’t always accessible.

White text on a black background, or “dark mode,” makes the eye work harder and open wider, since it needs to absorb more light. When this happens, the white letters can bleed into the black background and cause the text to blur, which is also known as the “halation” effect.

That’s why being able to switch between light and dark mode individually is a better option. Although people can still do the workaround of adding a dark-colored shape with light text, so the “change board bg color” solution probably wouldn’t do much harm anyway. 🤷‍♀️

Yes, hence why I said “at least”, as in MVP/not only.

@Robert Johnson Yup, hence why I said “a feasible MVP.” 😄

@Robert Johnson You make a really good point- agreed, high contrast of pure white and pure black isn’t ideal. Some way to control the values and choose color temperature and contrast would be very nice. I know it would be hard to implement gracefully across all of the text types and functions preserving contrast and color.

I need to apologize- i realized i’m one of those users that searches for a feature, doesn’t find it, then uses the idea thread as a way to vote or nag the devs. I didn’t know there would be nuanced problem solving here!

@Henrik Ståhl I meant to tag you! my mistake.

@Freya.j I think that's why some companies haven't introduced dark mode in their SaaS products yet – because they struggle with getting it right. I would really love it if they introduced it though, I'm the kind of person who opts for dark mode whenever it's available, regardless of time of day. 😊

Please add dark mode!

I’m concerned as to why dark mode isn’t an industry standard by now. It’s honestly a bare necessity for any app I use.

Please make this happen 🙂 the chrome extension is not ideal on this website and dark mode for my eyesight is a must i need better contrast and dark backgrounds :)

Please hurry up with implementing this. I’m not sure why it’s even up for a community vote, as it’s an accessibility issue here, if we want to truly probe its significance. And as a night owl, I feel apprehensive about using Miro during those late-night hours, because it’s so blinding at times. Dimming my screen, isn’t going to cut it either. Figma recently launched their dark theme at Config 22. It was long overdue, and it is true of Miro, as well.

Damn, everything is too bright here. Why there still not a dark mode?

I can’t even read this post, too bright, everything is bright, causes too much headache.

@Walker Leite The idea isn’t referring to a dark mode in the community, I guess you’d have to send a wish list idea to Insided for that. 😄

bump. It’s 2022. everything should have a dark-mode for our eyes to not bleed out because of constant screen use. Randomly seeing another board app with dark mode made me thing about switching just for the sake of the mode.