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Please add a Reduced Motion setting

  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson
  • Cegos Admin

Miro has too much motion users can’t turn off. This is beyond the issue some people have with tracking cursors/following people. Some examples:

  • There are animations everywhere (for example, the hover state effect on the template tiles is timed in such as way as to be a problem).
  • The drop shadows on the sticky notes create a wavy line effect when there are lots of them on a board.
  • I have to remember to look away from the bouncing motion the timer makes when it’s done. 

I dread having to use Miro because it gives me headaches. I’ve started a new job that uses Miro heavily, so I’ll have to deal with it, but I’d *love* to see an accessibility feature that reduces this kind of motion across the board (lots of platforms have a setting like this--it’s worth a look). A lot of people like the motion touches as delight elements, but for people like me, they’re a barrier. It’s ideal to let people turn them off/reduce them if needed, so those who enjoy them & find them useful can keep them (animations can add subtle hints to help with usability, for example--I understand why they’re there).


I had the opportunity to determine which whiteboarding platform my previous position used, and we went with a competitor specifically because of Miro’s lack of accessibility features. Please make accessibility an across the board a priority. 

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