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Marking Sticky Notes with Authors

Related products:Stickies

I’d like the ability to add automatically the name of the author to a sticky note? That way, working and brainstorming with group of people I (we all) can directly see who posted which notes.

It is already a challenge to teach customers/newbies enough of the tool in short order to get them to use sticky notes. Marina suggested adding tags but asking them to add tags is a hassle. People are firing off sticky notes in rapid fashion and we just want to ID them. It seems you could repurpose the tagging feature to auto add the author.

Kiron suggested using the Activity List. This is helpful but not what we need. We want this to be a quick collabortive tool.


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14 replies

I agree with Mr. LaPlante! This information is well hidden and it’s slowing down analysis of ideation sessions, for example.

 A workaround is to use author tags and have participants duplicate their sticky notes.

  I found out that alternatively, you can right click on the sticky and select "info" to see who added it to the board.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • July 1, 2020

This would be really usefulI, but it should be something that can be set by the board creator though as there may be cases where you want people to be able to add anonymously.

I see that this feature is now available for free and education accounts…why on earth would you not make it available to teams who are paying you? I just switched to a paid account, and had been using this feature a lot when my team was on a free account, and now it’s not available to us. This seems pretty baffling to me...

Véronique Carbonneau

I have it for consultant plan in Beta version..

It will probably Come.soon! 

This NEEDS to be optional… Post-its should be anonymous if facilitator wants.

Véronique Carbonneau
João Peixe wrote:

This NEEDS to be optional… Post-its should be anonymous if facilitator wants.

Right now it is!  :)
You can choose to show the autors ! 


But every editor can do that, so in the end it is never anonymous. What I’m saying is only the Board owners should be able to do this action :(

João Peixe wrote:

This NEEDS to be optional… Post-its should be anonymous if facilitator wants.

I second this. My department facilitates a wide variety of meetings. Sometimes seeing the author of the sticky note would be valuable, however, there are times when anonymity is vital to obtain the desired meeting outcome. 

If this feature is implemented, the facilitator would need the option to turn it on/off per board.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 17, 2022

Given the access to board activity described below, even if showing the postit author was optional and controlled by the board owner, wouldn’t anyone with editor access to the board be able to see the activity and thus be able to see who authored what?

Activity is visible to editors of boards that were explicitly invited to boards via email or have access to the board because they are part of a project or team in Miro (in other words, it is visible to guests and team members with editor rights on the board). If the board is shared via link with the company or via a public link with visitors, Activity won’t be visible for them. Viewers and commenters don't see Activity.

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • October 17, 2022
Véronique, thank your for the tip. The toolbar toggle icon does pretty much what I want. I can select a group of post-its and turn on attributions. I’d ideally like to be able to turn this on at the start of a workshop and let people see who is saying what. Other respondents to this thread want anonymity and that is fair. But, in my workshops, everyone knows everyone else and we want to be able to discus and debate ideas.

Manouska J
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 248 replies
  • October 18, 2022

Manouska J
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 248 replies
  • October 18, 2022
Updated idea statusDeliveredDuplicate Idea (closed)

Manouska J
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 248 replies
  • October 18, 2022
Updated idea statusIdeaDelivered
