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Global switch to turn off frame borders, shadows, and titles / Frames without shadow


I’m using Miro to make a UX wireframe flow.  This diagram has no fixed format. Now if I want to make a presentation, I need to add frames around parts of my flow. But I can’t do this because of the drop shadows that are added to the frames.

Please give an option to hide or change the borders of a frame.

Then Miro could be used like a Prezi presentation.


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  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • August 14, 2020

Agreed, the automatic drop shadows of the frames and the frame titles can be a distraction to creating a clean look/feel of a board and presentation.

Eddy Tavio
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • August 18, 2020

It would be really helpful to have a global switch to turn off frame borders, frame drop shadows, and frame titles just like you can turn on/off the grid -- essentially making frames “invisible” as needed.

The borders, shadows, and titles are really distracting in presentation mode, specially when you are trying to make a more ‘prezi’-like presentation where frames are different scales and often times borders overlap. 

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • August 27, 2020

Hi @Steven Verhoest @Steve Long @Eddy Tavio 

Thanks for submitting this idea! Do you mean that frames are distracting even when you enter a full-screen mode? Here’s an excerpt from the article:

Please let me know if this helps.

Hi Marina,


thanks for your reply but no, this is not what I want to say.


When you use the full presentation mode, it creates cut off images, so you lose the nice frame to frame animation when you stay on the Mirro canvas.


When you add a frame, it automatically adds a shadow to that frame which you can not be removed. 


Now this is ok when you go from screen A to screen B  and A and B don’t overlap. But sometimes you want to highlight something in a presentation, to zoom in. You can do this by adding frames, But now it gets messy.


Mirro lets you change the appearance of all the objects, but not the frames. So that’s what I try to say and that’s what I would love to see added/changed.

Give the possibility to change the appearance of the frames. 

Regards and thanks,

Eddy Tavio
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • August 27, 2020

Hi Marina, thanks for looking into this. You are right, when I enter “present” mode, the frames disappear; however, if I click on “presentation mode” and then “full screen” and NOT hit the “present” button, and THEN I use the arrow keys, the canvas animates/pans around similar to a prezi presentation -- it is very fluid and I prefer it better than static slides. In this format, the frames are still visible and distracting -- particularly when you have frames overlapping each other or smaller ones within bigger ones. 

Debruyne Adriaan

I use this kind of “flowing” presentation more than the frame per frame “hard” switch. It supports the storytelling. Especially when you go from “helicopter view” to details and back. The visible grey frames and the titles keep disturbing me though. I delete the frame titles so it’s a little bit better, but then you loose the overview in the frames menu. A workaround is to use hyperlinks to jump from one place to another.

So being able to choose the frame color and opacity would be great. Or to switch it on or of.

Im been using Miro since 2014 and this has bothered me for a long time.

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • September 28, 2020

Hi everybody.

You can use the JavaScript api to hide the frames

You need to open the developer console in your browser

Then you paste this code in the console:

The code:

// get all widgets of type frame
let miroFrames = await miro.board.widgets.get({type:"FRAME"});

// the line above returns a listo of widgets, so iterate over
miroFrames.forEach(async e => {
    // set "client visible to each frame
    await miro.board.widgets.update({id:, clientVisible: false})


  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • September 28, 2020

I tested it but the board doesnt save these changes. Anyway you can do that every time you make a presentation :/

I think that an extension can be made to add buttons to hide/show borders, but i think the the work is not worth it since you can make a bookmarklet.


Create a bookmark and in the URL put the code:

javascript: (async ()=>{let miroFrames = await miro.board.widgets.get({type:"FRAME"});miroFrames.forEach(async e => {await miro.board.widgets.update({id:, clientVisible: false})});})()

So you can name it “miro hide frames”


UselesssCat wrote:

Hi everybody.

You can use the JavaScript api to hide the frames

You need to open the developer console in your browser

Then you paste this code in the console:

The code:

// get all widgets of type frame
let miroFrames = await miro.board.widgets.get({type:"FRAME"});

// the line above returns a listo of widgets, so iterate over
miroFrames.forEach(async e => {
    // set "client visible to each frame
    await miro.board.widgets.update({id:, clientVisible: false})


YEs, the result should be this. Thanks @UselesssCat (not that useless after all hehe)

But we should have it in presentation mode. Is there any plan for that @Marina ?



Imagine that you are presenting an entire flow or storymap, and in the presentation you “zoom in” to different areas, that are frames, but the big picture with all frames visible is to busy, noisy. Hiding it in prezo mode would be great!!!!


These days I’m recording short videos of stuff I’m working on to get feedback from team and stakeholders. I was just about to go doing this with Miro, but realized that those overlapping frames are too disturbing… Trying to replace Powerpoint and its Zoom features with Miro. Endless canvas and flying around it while explaining would be so much cooler than limiting slides. Maybe I give a try for chrome | dev tools.

Yes, I too like the animation/zooming when moving from frame to frame instead of using presentation mode, but unfortunately can't actually use it because the frame shadows and titles get in the way.

  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • February 5, 2021
Carlos Diosdado wrote:

Yes, I too like the animation/zooming when moving from frame to frame instead of using presentation mode, but unfortunately can't actually use it because the frame shadows and titles get in the way.

Yes I agree, and I am very surprised that this does not exists. To me, it looks like the very essence of a Miro presentation… Using links from one object to another instead of frames is some kind of workaround. But, really, I cannot figure out how this use does not appears clearly to miro devs as a way to disrupt how presentation are made. Instead, they give us a way to go back to a powerpoint lame thing by hitting the play button.. It is very nice that we can make a “powerpoint style” presentation, screen after screen… out of a miro board. BUt I would like to be able to make a miro presentation out of a miro board. :wink:

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 12, 2021

Hello Miro, is there any intention to address this issue? Your tool is great, but this frame issue I what prevents me from purchasing and what prevents me from recommending this to my clients.

Yes Please.  This would be huge.  Please add this feature.  Thank you!!

Mike Owens
  • Miro Hero
  • 9 replies
  • March 3, 2021

I had a meeting today with a new user to Miro who is vision impaired.  The issue she had the most difficulty with was seeing the frames outline - the drop shadow faint gray line is very hard to see.  It would be great if Miro could add the ability to set frame line thickness / color / etc the same as shapes in addition to fill color. 

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • April 14, 2021

In my opinion this feature is not a “nice to have” but a “must” for presentations

+1 for this, but specifically with showing / hiding the border / shadow of individual frames, not just a global switch.


Steven Verhoest wrote:


Give the possibility to change the appearance of the frames. 




Oh my God, this would be amazing.  I only started seriously considering using Miro for presentations and seeing the frames is so ugly and cluttered

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • June 28, 2021

I agree that this is a really important missing feature from Miro.

It would be very valuable to be able to use frames as pre-defined views in client workshops as well as presentations. Being able to jump to a view of the canvas and then bring everybody in the meeting to the same view would really improve the usability and make Miro suitable for many more tasks.

I’m actually really quite surprised this hasn’t been done. As well as client meetings, I’d like to use Miro for presentations but without this feature, it doesn’t meet that use case. Since it’s not possible to use overlapping frames in presentations without it looking cluttered and confusing, we’re stuck with a series of separate slides, which you may as well use powerpoint for.

This bookmarklet is awesome @UselesssCat ! I had no idea bookmarklets were a thing. For anyone similarly huh? do as suggested - create a bookmark with just that javascript in it. when you have the board you want to banish frames from loaded in your browser click it and voila - frames gone, can animate round boards.

Miro people - no excuse not to add this as a feature! your work has already been done for you by a cat :)

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • July 24, 2021

I agree with the comments made. It really makes for a messy view when I plan out a presentation, by leading the view by frames… My boards are on the complex side.

zooming into a box, then following it to the next step and the next step… Trying to lead an audience… In some cases I almost wish there could be multiple frame tracks… so if I am doing one presentation to one audience I could change it for another.. today I end up duplicating the whole board. Keeping one whole board with no frames. 

The trick mentioned by @UselesssCat  is an interesting workaround which I didnt know was possible. I really only use the thick client since I find it performs better in most situations than the browser. 

A friend showed me a way to make frame shadows disapear; if you create a white shape and use it as background for the landscape you want to present, the frame shadows are not visible anymore.
Then I can show the landscape in the flowy presentation mode without these messy frame borders.
Thanks to Emilia Rekestad who showed me this.
Hope it helps!



That is such a great solution!!!!
Thanks for sharing <3

Mårten Pella wrote:

..if you create a white shape and use it as background for the landscape you want to present, the frame shadows are not visible anymore.

Yay! Glad it helped!

UselesssCat wrote:

you can make a bookmarklet.

Create a bookmark and in the URL put the code:

javascript: (async ()=>{let miroFrames = await miro.board.widgets.get({type:"FRAME"});miroFrames.forEach(async e => {await miro.board.widgets.update({id:, clientVisible: false})});})()

So you can name it “miro hide frames”

Amazing! Thank you so much!