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Advice on creating boards for clients as a service

  • November 7, 2020
  • 7 replies

  • Experienced Community Member
  • 78 replies

My business is one-to-one consulting. Concerning Miro, I would offer custom Boards along with consultation. For this to happen, I need the client to take ownership of the Board. Ideally, the client could download a file to open in their Miro account. I would love to just sell my Boards outright without consultation, as well. Is there a way to do this? 

I have the free plan now, but I would move to the Consultant plan so I could create a new Team for each client. From what I am reading, I can send a link to the Board (password protected) and they can edit (anonymously). 

I need advice on the most efficient way to transfer ownership of the board. After our consultation, I do not want to be the primary but I will need to be able to advise them into the future. 

Thank you.

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • November 8, 2020

@jtk -

I wrote an article on this here ( but based on your description, the easiest method would be to download a backup of your board to a local RTB file on your computer, send that to your client and they can then restore it to their Miro account. This does, of course, assume that they have a paid Miro account.


  • Author
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 78 replies
  • November 8, 2020

Thanks for the article! 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • November 8, 2020

@jtk - I have referred people to @Kiron Bondale’s article a number of times and now it looks like he will soon need to update the article to 7 ways to provide someone with a copy of a board you own”  as Miro started rolling out a feature that let’s a board owner set the board’s “content copy permissions” so that any Miro account holder (free or paid) could copy an entire board to their account by simply having at least view-only access to it.

The new feature started rolling out a little over a week ago and hasn’t even been officially announced in the Changelog Feedback section yet. My spouse has it on her Education Plan, but I am still not seeing it on my Consultant Plan account. Here’s the deep dive article I did after exploring how it works, but for now I will summarize how this could work with a board that you will be working on with a client:

  1. From within the board or your Miro dashboard, select Share and then Sharing settings:
  2. Then click on the Permissions tab and set Who can copy board content to Only board owner:
  3. And because you mentioned Anonymous Guest Editor and password protecting the board, set those options:
  4. Do your work with your client.
  5. When you are done your work on the board, (this step is optional) flip the board to Anyone with the link → Can view but don’t remove the password from the board’s Share settings! This step ensures that they won’t make any more changes to the board that is in your account/team. They can make all of the change they want once they copy the board over to their account. One last step on your end:
  6. Set the board’s Share → Sharing settings → Permissions → Who can copy board content to Anyone with board access:
  7. And now your client can simply copy the board to their account by clicking on the board title/name:
  8. And then they can choose what to call the board and which space/team they would like to add it to:



The beauty of this will be that you won’t have do download and electronically send a board file and your client won’t have to upload it. And unless Miro changes something before the officially release, this willow you to send boards to Free Plan users who cannot use the Upload from backup option.

If you want to test the experience of receiving a board from a client’s perspective, here’s a board I created for teaching/onboarding someone who is new to Miro. Just open it and click on the board name/title and Duplicate it to your account:


  • Author
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 78 replies
  • November 10, 2020

@Robert Johnson I appreciate you taking the time to lay out the steps. This is good news and hopefully will be accessible via the Consultant plan soon. Again, thanks!

  • Mironeer
  • 52 replies
  • December 29, 2020

Hi @jtk! I’m glad to let you know that the option to change boards content permissions is now available for all Consultant plans. :slight_smile:

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • August 26, 2021

@Vlada is the option to change boards content permissions available for other, cheaper plans than the consultant plan as well?
Kind regards

  • Mironeer
  • 52 replies
  • August 26, 2021

Hi @Griesa, thanks for asking! Yes, it is now available for all paid and Education plans.
