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[RESOLVED] Can't restore a deleted Free Plan board

Opening a link of a deleted board as an owner does not give the option to restore it. It only gives this message:

Sorry, the board that you are trying to access does not exist. It may have been deleted, or never existed in the first place. Please check the URL for typos or other errors.

Is there some new way to restore a board?

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7 replies

  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • June 29, 2022

Hey @UrosHCS,

The error you've seen is usually shown in one of the following scenarios:

  • the board was deleted over 30 days ago,
  • the board was deleted together with the team it was located in;
  • the board was deleted together with the profile of its owner.

I'm going to convert your report to a support ticket and reach out to you there to request some additional information so we can investigate this issue further. 

Dear,@UrosHCS and  @Alyona  I face exactly the same issue. I am the board owner, i deleted by mistake the board about an hour ago. The only thing i get as an answer is the attached screenshot. No one else worked at this board. The team of course is still intact since no one worked on the project except me. Is there any solution to retrieve the board? Thanks.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • June 29, 2022

Restoring a Free Plan team board is broken.

I just tested creating a board in a Free Plan, deleting it, and browsing to the link again, and am getting the same message:


The board link โ†’

I have submitted my own support ticket and will update this post as I hear back from the support team.

Dear @Robert Johnson,

Thank you for your reply. Is there any other way to retrieve a board? I am sure many people are concerned with this specific issue, so if we could have a solution for it, everyone would be very grateful for this. I hope we get a solution soon enough.

Thanks again



Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • June 29, 2022

Update #1 from Miro support:

This is indeed a bug that our developers are aware of and actively working on - sorry for the inconvenience on this. 
I'm going to go ahead and escalate this to our tech team to keep track of, and they will be in touch as soon as they have any updates from our developers. Thanks for your patience! 

  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • July 1, 2022

Hey @Robert Johnson@konstantinos,

The fix for the bug with the deleted boards restoration is released, so now the functionality should be accessible once again. Let us know if you still have any issues with restoring the boards deleted within the last 30 days!

Dear Team,


Thank you for your quick response.


I canโ€™t thank you enough for fixing the issue! you did a great job and everything is retrieved!


Best regards,
