I wanted to bring to your attention an issue I've encountered with the "Organize frames" feature on large Miro boards with multiple nested frames.
Recently, while working on a couple of complex boards, I accidentally clicked on "Organize frames" instead of switching from Thumbnails to List view. These options are quite close to each other, making it easy to misclick. Unfortunately, this led to a significant disruption in the order of frames across the entire board, costing me over an hour to restore.
To prevent this from happening in the future, I suggest adding a simple confirmation popup when the "Organize frames" option is selected, asking, "Do you really want to re-organize all frames on the board?" with YES / NO options. This would help avoid costly mistakes due to accidental clicks.
While I understand that Ctrl + Z could revert this action, I didn't notice the reorganization until after adding new content, making it too late to undo the changes effectively.
I believe this small addition would make the "Organize frames" feature less risky and more user-friendly.