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Max number limit to JIRA issues you can import into MIRO?

  • May 20, 2021
  • 1 reply

Is there a limit on how many JIRA cards can be imported, we are only seeing about 20 in the import list at any time?


We are trying to import issues into our MIRO boards to use them in project meetings and planning sessions, but we seem to be limited to only around 20 issues for any one project. We have tried with a few different projects with the same result.

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Ilaria Cuneo

Hi @Sharon FD

There’s no limit of 20 issues that can be imported at the time. Currently, the Jira cards dialogue box shows 10 records per page. When you select the issues to import and you move to the next page, the previous selection remains and in the bottom corner you will see the total number.


As for the second part of your message:

we seem to be limited to only around 20 issues for any one project. We have tried with a few different projects with the same result.

I’m not sure I get this part right. Could please provide us with more details about this? Feel free to add any screenshot or video to help us better understand :smile:

Thanks! :rocket:
