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Find duplicated Jira cards

Hi Miro! My wish is to have a feature to find and select all duplicated Jira cards easily please 🙏



Context: I make my sprint backlog ceremony in Miro to have a better visualisation of the sprint content. I have linked my Jira cards in Miro, 

Issue: Sometimes we forgot to import ongoing Jira tickets in Miro and the number of sprint tickets in Jira is different than tickets that we planned in Miro for example. Another example: sometimes there are duplicated tickets in the same board

User Story 1: As a Project Manager, I want to find how many identical Jira cards there are in my Miro board, so that I can retrieve all of them easily and delete them of my board.

User Story 2: As a Project Manager, I want to know how many time a Jira ticket is imported in Miro (in the Jira cards tool panel), so that I can retrieve them and select them all in my board.


I’m a huge fan of Miro, thank you so much 😍💖

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