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What zoom level to start with?

  • February 12, 2021
  • 2 replies

guys, my serious issue: when i start a new project i never not know what fontsize or size in general i have to pick …. stick with 12 point, scale it up? what does this mean for objects etc? my clients tend to have the same issue. when collaborating everyone seems to do their own kind of thing. so my idea is … wouldn’t it be nice to make this more easier?

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • February 12, 2021

@bubischmampf -

One way to scale things is to use frames to contain them to help you decide how large the items inside should be. For text, I find 24 point works well without the need for participants to zoom in. Try to keep your text size consistent across a board to reduce the need for zooming in and out.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7258 replies
  • February 12, 2021

@bubischmampf - I don’t have any in-depth, complicated strategies when it comes to board/object sizing.

Here is what I have noted from both my experience over the years and some testing just now:

  • When a new board is created, the zoom level will be 100% for everyone who enters the board for the first time.
  • When a singed in user leaves that board and comes back, they will return at the same zoom level. This is per Miro client, e.g., browser, desktop, so if I enter a new board at 100% via Chrome, zoom to 150%, close the browser, and come back (without clearing the cache), I will be back at 150%. If I try this on the desktop app using my same account and on the same computer, my last board zoom (even on the same board) will be remembered there.

With all of that said, I like to start a board at 100% and stick with all of the default objects sizes.

Example from a newly created board:


Of course, you need to adjust as required, e.g., some text needs to be a title or get more attention, so you make it bigger. However, anytime you adjust the size of an object, the next time you create the same object during that Miro board session, it will be created using the same size specs at the last one.

Another issue is that each person may leave the board at a different zoom percent, so they next time they come back and start creating objects, they may make them smaller/BIGGER than everyone else.

My tip would be for people that want to always work the board at 100%, is for them to get into the habit of clicking on the zoom percent every time they enter the board (if it isn’t already). Clicking on the zoom percent will jump to 100%:


Perhaps there is a Wish List Idea out there for a board owner to set the board default size upon entry for all users.
