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Public link sharing without sign up not working

I have team plan. When sharing by public link (everyone can edit mode), it should be possible for attendants to acces without sign up as anonynous. When testing this, I get the message “session has expired” and i’m being transfered to the sign in page. How can I fix this, so that my workshop attendants do not have to sign up.

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15 replies

I’m facing the exact same problem.. I tested it on different browsers and devices but the problem keeps coming back. Weird thing is that the attendees used to be able to enter my boards without having to sign up. Now all of a sudden they cannot access as guests anymore. 

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • November 19, 2020

@Manon Dahmen -

this sounds like a support request is needed as it works fine for me - here’s the link to the support form: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


Thank you guys. I will request support

Stephanie Postma

Hello - has this been fixed yet?  I have the same problem happening today with a public board and user group.  Thanks!

Stephanie Postma wrote:

Hello - has this been fixed yet?  I have the same problem happening today with a public board and user group.  Thanks!

For me it is not fixed yet. I filed a ticket and still waiting for a response.. Hope it’s easy to solve :) 

Manon Dahmen wrote:
Stephanie Postma wrote:

Hello - has this been fixed yet?  I have the same problem happening today with a public board and user group.  Thanks!

For me it is not fixed yet. I filed a ticket and still waiting for a response.. Hope it’s easy to solve :) 

Hi there, 

I just got an answer from Miro support:

Hi Martin,

Thanks for getting in touch! We're very sorry for the delay in reply here.

 We have been able to reproduce the bug and have passed it along to our developers to implement a fix. We understand how troublesome this situation is and we're treating this as a high-priority case. We'll update you as soon as the fix is released within the app. 

Hopefully, this won't take too much time, so please bear with us! We will keep you updated on our progress.

Best wishes,

Customer Support Team Lead

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • December 9, 2020

@Martin Visby Buchard / @Stephanie Postma  / @Manon Dahmen - Two questions for all of you:

  1. What type of Miro plan was this happening on? (Team, Business, Consultant, or Enterprise?)
  2. I am wondering if you all have the new content board content copy permissions feature enabled on your account - you can determine this by doing the following:

From any board in your account, if you open the Share options and look for an additional link at the bottom titled Sharing settings:


One you click on Sharing settings, if you have these two tabs (Manage Access ad Permissions) then you do have the new features:


I just had someone message me to say they could no longer access a board that I set to Anyone with the link → Can edit (and I had a password on it) - they received this message when they tried to access the board:


I had made no changed to the board. The only change made to my account was that the new board content copy permissions feature was enabled on my account. I suspect this new message could be related, but I was looking to confirm if there were others with this new feature related. Once I have more info, I will submit it to the product team for this new feature.

Here is a the full write-up I did about the new feature:

Stephanie Postma

I have a Consultant plan and double checked the permission settings.  At the time it just appeared to be a bug or a glitch as I had used the sharing permission feature previously.  I’ve also used the permission feature with other boards successfully since this incident.  Thanks!

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • December 9, 2020

@Stephanie Postma - Thanks for getting back to me. So you for sure do have these two tabs under Sharing settings?


Stephanie Postma

@Robert Johnson No - I don’t see Sharing Settings as an option which click Share on a board.  So also don’t see the two tabs.  Looks like I’m lacking the new feature!  Thanks

I have team plan and I have both options (Manage access and Permission)..

Martin Visby Buchard wrote:

I have team plan and I have both options (Manage access and Permission)..

And now it works - thank you Robert

Erwin Driesen

Hi all,

I have a Team plan and I do have both options of managing access and sharing settings, but it does not seem to work as advertised/expected.

I can set/change a password on a public board and invite guests by copying the board link.

Then I encounter 2 problems:

  1. All guests (with the link as i have set) can enter the board without having to enter any password. Since the link for the board doesn’t change over time anyone  with link has perpetual access.
  2. Even though i have limited the guest permissions to ‘view’; they can edit…

I’m sure I’m doing something wrong here…

Please straighten me out!

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • February 10, 2021

@Erwin Driesen - It would help if you were to share a screenshot of the board in question’s Share setting, e.g.:


In the above example,

  1. no one on my team can access the board
  2. anyone with the link can view the board (this overrides #1 and because anyone on the internet can view the board, well, so can my team members).
  3. I explicitly gave one team member Edit access to the board, so even if I set #2 (public access) to “No Access”, that one team member can still edit the board.

You can read more about this in the following Help Center articles:

Erwin Driesen

@Robert Johnson 
Tx for your clear explanation. 

I can work with this!

