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Not a big deal, but the "Just draw, no need to..." pop up and the "Pen" popup are both obstructive and annoying.

  • June 28, 2024
  • 1 reply


These both popup when you select the pen tool and they block the popup sidebar with other drawing options, so you have to exit out of the notification or click away from it to get it to go away before selecting an alternative tool. And, I also just think it is really annoying that the “just draw no need to select” message comes up at all. Sometimes I do need to click to switch the tool, AND if you don’t select it, the default writing width is super small. So the message is not only in the way, it’s also just incorrect. None of this is a big deal at all, more like a nuisance. Just a vent post and curious if anyone else runs into this and/or if there is a way to turn those off. 

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  • Mironeer
  • 922 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Hi @Ancient_Luke 


Sorry to hear about your frustrations. I found an old thread where users describe a few solutions they found to disabling the pop-ups. Hope this is helpful!
