@Mindoo I had a look on my laptop and it appears that the behaviour I described has changed - I was directed by support to change the Chose how many lines to scroll each time setting in Settings > Mouse back when Miro was RealtimeBoard.
I was just playing around with the various Miro board Navigation modes found in a board > settings icon (top-right) > Navigation mode, as well as adjusting both my Windows Mouse and Touchpad settings and cannot replication the behaviour you are describing. In all scenarios, I can smoothly zoom and pan using both the touchpad and my mouse.
My settings:
- Dell Inspiron 7375 with Windows 10 2004 (Home Edition)
- Latest Chrome browser and Miro 64-bit app
- Logitech m325 wireless mouse
- I have my board set to Mouse Navigation mode (right-click on any blank spot in a board or use the settings icon at the top-right and select Navigation mode)
- Mouse and Touchpad settings found in Windows by pressing Windows key + i to load settings, then search for “Mouse settings” or “Touchpad settings”
I couldn’t find anything that sounds like your issue when searching the help files at https://help.miro.com/
I would suggest reaching out to Miro support for further assistance. From either your Miro Dashboard or from within a board, click the help ("?") icon at the top right and then “Support". This link should work too.
Good luck!