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Sharing settings → Permissions tab

  • October 17, 2020
  • 6 replies

Robert Johnson

I unexpectedly came across a Permissions tab/set of options in a board’s Share → Sharing settings back on September 30th while I was answering some a question on the forum. It caught my attention at the time as I didn’t recall ever seeing this option. I was focused on something else at the time so I grabbed a few screenshots and moved on.

Now, when I decide to go back and dig into it further, I cannot find the options again! Mind you, I didn’t capture the exact conditions leading up to the option appearing, but here’s what I know:

  • The board belonged to my spouse’s Education Plan (the setting may have been present in my Consultant Plan, however, I am the only member, so I can’t add an editor at the board-level without incurring a charge).
  • My spouse was the board owner.
  • The board’s Share settings:
    • Team access & Anyone with the link were both set to → No access.
    • Board-level sharing was to me as View only.
  • The board was not in any projects.

So what option am I talking about anyway?!

My screenshots:


And when I selected the Permissions tab:


Finally, 16 days after I captured these screenshots, I cannot seem to reproduce these Manage Access | Permissions tabs.

I do suspect that the Manage Access title is the old wording for what is now Sharing settings, as shown in the Access Rights and Board Ownership → Changing access rights help article.

Here is the original post where I captured my first screenshot:

What am I missing here? Is this Permissions tab is standard option on some plans? Does anyone see this tab in their board share settings → Sharing settings?

Best answer by Alex Rodnyy

Hi @Robert Johnson! Nice catch! Actually, that is something our team is working on, but it became visible for a while earlier. 

So it’s not part of the standard offering yet. Also, it shouldn’t be visible to anyone. 

I can assure you that we will let you know when it’s available! 

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Alex Rodnyy

Hi @Robert Johnson! Nice catch! Actually, that is something our team is working on, but it became visible for a while earlier. 

So it’s not part of the standard offering yet. Also, it shouldn’t be visible to anyone. 

I can assure you that we will let you know when it’s available! 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • October 19, 2020

@Alex Rodnyy - Thanks for confirming this! I kind of suspected that may have been what happened, but I didn’t want to start any rumours around new features :wink:

  • Beginner
  • October 20, 2020

@Alex Rodnyy The exact same thing happened to me! Except I actually used it to give permission to the collaborators to download pdfs of the board that I own. This is useful to us as we run large workshops for clients with multiple collaborators and would be convenient if each one could save whichever parts of the board they want. 

Is there any other way to do this? I was just looking for the permission settings/sharing settings and it was gone. Thanks!

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • October 20, 2020

@Adya - Anyone with access to the board already had the ability to download a document from a board they have access to. There is no way to restrict this, even if you lock the object. However, they cannot currently copy other board content, which is perhaps what this enhancement is looking to address?

Here is a publicly viewable board with a PDF that I locked:


However, if you want to block the download, put the PDF over an object, Shift + drag to select both, then lock:


  • Beginner
  • October 21, 2020

@Robert Johnson I see! Thanks that is helpful. Hopefully they do enhance that soon as it would be useful if they can download all board content. 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • October 30, 2020

@Alex Rodnyy - I see this feature is not going live in production. My spouse discovered it today in her Education Plan and I dug wayyyyy into it and posted my findings:
