MINDMAPS: Collapse/expand, attach image and change node size/font

Related products: Mapping & Diagramming

I'd like to enforce my wish to see the following features on Miro. By now, I'm forced to use Mindmeister as a workaround when I need agility to make/present a decent mindmap.

It makes no sense seeing you investing a lot a time in features just a few people use while such basic features as the following are not available.

Source https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017730753-Mind-Map:

1. Can I collapse/expand nodes?
- No, it is not possible to collapse and expand nodes yet.  

2. Can I attach an image to a node?
- Though there is no option to attach an image to a node, we have it in the backlog.

3. Can I change the text size of an individual child node?
- No, at the moment, you can only change the size of the parent node which will result in changing the size of the whole mind map.

Collapsing mindmap nodes is a must-have.

I used MindNode for many years, and the tool was very effective. Its mindmaps had expandable/collapsible nodes, the ability to reorder nodes with key commands, the ability to add images to nodes, etc. But the product was desktop-based and did not allow for cloud-based collaboration or sharing. I then migrated to Whimsical, which also had collapsible nodes, and even better features than Mindnode.

Though I had dabbled with Miro several times back when it was RealtimeBoard, I committed to using it several months ago because it’s plainly obvious that the organization has really committed to building a complete product with a robust feature set. Many things about Miro are excellent and laudable… so it’s very surprising that something as ordinary as enabling users to tidy up mindmaps by collapsing nodes is not available.

Please, team: Add collapsible nodes to the roadmap and let’s get it done. Mindmap users would be immensely grateful.

I see from another post that you can collapse one branch or node at a time.

Is it possible to collapse all branches so only level  1, or 2 or 3 or 4 is visible for the entire mindmap?

For a mindmap with many branches and nodes that can go 4 or more levels deep, you need to see MindJet MindManager. There, you can Expand or Collapse ALL the branches at one time so that only the Nth Level is expanded, where N is an Integer. (Zero represents the “root” node.) This is so much easier than one collapsed branch at a time. For example, if you have 25 branches (or more!) with 4 levels, it seems that you will have to collapse all 25 branches, ONE-AT-A-TIME. Did I miss something here?


Here’s what I think is needed.

  1. Keep the current individual node collapse or expand.
  2. Collapse ALL BRANCHES to level N, where N = {0,1,2,3,4,...}. It’s ok if not all branches extend to N.
  3. Expand ALL BRANCHES (to their maximum).
  4. You don’t need a “Expand N” command, since Collapse N works.

It seems possible to create multiple mindmaps in a Board. Therefore, the collapse/expand function must be applied to only the selected one or more mindmaps.

@Italo Aguiar, while I share the needs expressed in your request, I think we can make the request itself, more palatable. I apologise if English isn’t your first language.

We are not in a position to enforce anything. We’re making a request, that Miro may or may not grant as it sees fit. Telling Miro what is does or does not make sense for it to do doesn’t help. I think this holds true, even if you are in possesion of some statistics that I’m unaware of, that back up your statement, ‘ investing a lot a time in features just a few people use...’.

Having said that, I thinks the list features would improve and increase my use of Miro and I hope they are added to the product.

PS. I wouldn’t say no to enabling nodes to be given borderds and background colours as well.

I joined the community just to upvote this! 

Being able to change the font size of the nodes would be particularly useful. Please and thank you.

The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

@Miro Community Team Is this still the current Idea, where the request includes being able to expand/contract the Mind Map?  The link above refers to a CLOSED idea and is misleading.

Vote for using control/ option +/ - as a toggle to mindmap nodes. 

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We understand the frustration and appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.
For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,
Miro Community Team