I have a case with a complex flow with multiple steps, each step is a set of sticky notes that sort or overlap. I have been copying and pasting each step. If something changes I have to change it in all the copies, though this could be easily done with layers.
We’ve got something exciting to share that we know many of you have been waiting for, So sit back and peel back the layers of this message 😆 —because Layers are now available in Miro!
With Layers, you can now tailor your diagrams or presentations to fit any audience. Whether you need a high-level overview or a deep dive into the details, Layers let you create multi-dimensional views and switch between them seamlessly, all on the same board. It’s the perfect way to keep things clear, organized, and relevant for everyone.
This feature is a direct result of your feedback, and we’re thrilled to finally bring it to life! We’d love to hear how you’re using Layers and how it’s making your workflow easier.
Agree with the above sentiments. We can’t organizationally move off Visio until this is implemented. Miro will continue to just be used for certain types of collaboration sessions, but not serious (technical) documentation.
P.S. How many Upvotes are needed to get attention? 500+ seems sufficient...
We kind off have solved this with Layers in Miro. But it is for a specific purpose (our Enterprise map). So things in the API need to be in place for this to be a solid solution. E.g. keep Visibility when exporting to an image. And support Visibility at all in SDK 2.0.
But of course, I vote for a native Miro solution instead.
Architecturally, we cannot move away from Draw.io until layers are a native Miro feature. Insane this came up over two years ago and Miro haven’t tackled this yet.
Our use case: using one key visual for analyzing multiple products/material flows, multiple levels (product, industry, etc.) and different questions (constraints, solutions) etc.
While we can solve that by copy-pasting the Visual many times, that makes the canvas difficult to navigate at some point. And it requires time to assemble the big picture. In Illustrator I would just use layers for that.
We kind off have solved this with Layers in Miro. But it is for a specific purpose (our Enterprise map). So things in the API need to be in place for this to be a solid solution. E.g. keep Visibility when exporting to an image. And support Visibility at all in SDK 2.0.
But of course, I vote for a native Miro solution instead.
I’d love having a native solution for working with layers. One real-life use case is during teaching and workshops when further information should be revealed on top of the base visualization, one step at a time. Another one is to de-clutter process maps, etc., where I would be able to have explanations separated on their own layer and so on.
I have a case with a complex flow with multiple steps, each step is a set of sticky notes that sort or overlap. I have been copying and pasting each step. If something changes I have to change it in all the copies, though this could be easily done with layers.
In case this hasn’t already been mentioned, it would be good to have default behaviours for certain layers or elements.
For example, currently when creating arrow links from one element to another, the default layering is set to "Send to front". It would be good if we could set a default behaviour to “Send to back” at object level as well as layer level
I just wanted to make sure you are aware of some (developer focused) layer specific updates:
[Developers] Support for layers in Miro's Web SDK → The Web SDK now supports layer capabilities for items, such as image, card, app card, shape, sticky note, and other other types. → This allows you to programatically layer various items on a board, using methods such as bringToFront(), sendToBack(), bringInFrontOf(), sendBehindOf() and getLayerIndex().
I just wanted to make sure you are aware of some (developer focused) layer specific updates:
[Developers] Support for layers in Miro's Web SDK → The Web SDK now supports layer capabilities for items, such as image, card, app card, shape, sticky note, and other other types. → This allows you to programatically layer various items on a board, using methods such as bringToFront(), sendToBack(), bringInFrontOf(), sendBehindOf() and getLayerIndex().
Is it really layers or just an element ordering? Can we hide/unhide them? Can we add more elements to a single layer?
And what does having the SDK support for it mean to the common user? Most of us are not tech-savy enough to create our own plugins to manage layers. Does it mean that Miro is actually working towards adding the functionality for everyone?
This has been requested so many times and for so long. It’s really disheartening to see that it wasn’t implemented yet.
Is there a way that an Miro forum administorator can merge this request for layers with the others (there are quite a few duplicates). From what I can see there are probably around 1,000 votes for layers in Miro if you merge the various wish list posts together.
For starters, I would like to see the canvas split into two distinct layers:
A design/presentation layer - where all of the object you will not interact with during a session would be, i.e., all of the objects we currently waste time in the locking-unlocking-locking loop of insanity.
An interaction/collaboration layer - This is the layer were work is done. And when you need to work on the design layer, you toggle to it and the interaction layer is watermarked, but visible for reference.
Tested the layers, and it’s a good feature in fact that we all waited for very long time.
And now I’m curious, if it’s in development, could it be possible, to have a single element in several layers at the same time. It would be super cool, to select between layers and show only elements (even repeatable) for some use case.
For instance, some pivotal items could be presented (and not shadowed) on several layers. Current behaviour - if majority of steps on the basic layer, they will be grayed out when other layer is selected. Might be confusing during presentation.
We’ve got something exciting to share that we know many of you have been waiting for, So sit back and peel back the layers of this message 😆 —because Layers are now available in Miro!
With Layers, you can now tailor your diagrams or presentations to fit any audience. Whether you need a high-level overview or a deep dive into the details, Layers let you create multi-dimensional views and switch between them seamlessly, all on the same board. It’s the perfect way to keep things clear, organized, and relevant for everyone.
This feature is a direct result of your feedback, and we’re thrilled to finally bring it to life! We’d love to hear how you’re using Layers and how it’s making your workflow easier.
I’m liking the new layers capability so far. One significant drawback (bug?) I’m encountering is that there’s no way to move content across a board without doing it one layer at a time. Selecting multiple elements from multiple layers (lassoing with mouse) and moving them results in them all being assigned to the default layer. That’s quite destructive and easy to do by accident.