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Better Jira/Miro workflow for story maps

  • July 16, 2021
  • 1 reply
  • Richard Holden
  • Sydnee
  • Ben Paddock
  • Iskra Naydenova
  • Thomas Robbs
  • Richard Shelmerdineq
  • Kasie Kremenak

I recently created a story map, and wanted to convert the cards in the map to Jira issues. This was a painstaking process where I had to convert each card individually. There are workflow improvements I’d like to suggest:

  1. Remember the fields that I used in previous cards. If I select a card and convert it to a story, there’s a good chance that I’ll be converting the next one to a story, and the next, etc. I don’t want to have to tell the interface “no, it’s not an epic, it’s a story” 30 times. Same thing with other fields like priority - I’ll likely be setting these at the same priority as the previous story. At the very least, default to medium rather than highest.
  2. Allow me to bulk convert cards to stories. Descriptions get picked up from the card, so I don’t need to edit those. I could have converted a whole story map in one shot and saved myself 20 minutes of repetitive clicking.
  3. There’s a clear hierarchy between Epics, Stories, and Tasks. Let me convert my whole board into an epic, or a release into an epic, and then make the children of that into stories in that epic. 
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I’d like to add that I’d like to be able to create a Jira issue for an Activity or Task in the storymap.

Currently it seems that one can only create a Jira issue for a Story and that limits things significantly in terms of setting up organization to say, Epics and Stories/Tasks in Jira.

IMO every “card” on the map should be able to be linked to a Jira issue via the Jira Cards functionality.

