Currently PDFs exported from frames are exported as layers inside PDF file. It unables to open more complex exports in a tools like PowerPoint. It would be great to have all information flattened in PDF as images, so it would be possible to open them.
Currently I am working on a presentation for an on-site software conference. I created a slide deck in Miro:
I wanted to download it as PDF and open in Powerpoint (it’s better for presentations because you have option to add notes to the slides and use two monitors for the presentation). But I can’t open the file. From the error logs I can get that PDF layers are not accepted in Powerpoint.
The only option I have right now is to download each frame one by one, which will take ages.
It would be great to either:
- Let you choose how you’d like to have your PDF created - with layers or not
- Let you export whole board as image