1) Please give us a third alternative to “small file size” and “best quality” when we export a series of frames as a PDF. The “small file size” has insufficient image quality for some of our uses and the “best quality” creates a PDF that is huge. It shouldn’t be too hard to offer an option in the middle, or allow users to specify the resolution of the resulting PDF.
2) When a series of frames is exported, please have Miro force itself to fully load the images in each frame before producing the PDF. As it currently stands, we need to manually zoom in on each frame to fully load each image and then choose Save As. It seems like it should be simple to have Miro internally force image loading when frames are going to be exported.
The way I use Miro is to set up a board for the Concept Design phase of one of our projects. Multiple team members sketch, add images, create tables, etc - all on this single board, which tends to sprawl over time. This is how our concepts evolve. In the past when we periodically had to present our progress to a client, we would put together a powerpoint or use InDesign to create a PDF. It was time consuming to export images from whatever program we were using to brainstorm. What we like about Miro is the ability to take a messy two-dimensional board and create a ‘pathway’ through it that looks orderly and logical, simply by creating a series of frames that focus on certain areas of the board. We export those frames as a single PDF and it condenses our two-dimensional thought process into a linear stream for sharing, much like creating a powerpoint would do. The nice thing about Miro is we don’t have to open another platform and create this serial path; we simply create a series of frames to guide clients through our existing messy two-dimensional whiteboard.