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Filter Boards by "No Project" or "Unassigned"

  • September 19, 2020
  • 0 replies

Kim Roth Howe

It’s great to group boards by project, but not everything makes sense to put in a project, and in the “All Boards” view, those few standalone boards get swamped by the zillions of boards that ARE project-related.  (My workaround right now is to create a project just titled “no project” but it seems like something is always slipping through the cracks and it’s hard to find them.) 


There’s already a filter feature for boards, but only by ownership (owned by me vs. others).  Would be great to be able to filter by “no project.”


There’s a somewhat related request to be able to “tag” boards, and if tagging was implemented, I would just request that a “no tag” filter be available.

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