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Welcome to Miro Community Forum! πŸ‘‹

  • January 23, 2020
  • 0 replies

Welcome to this space of like-minded people - the Miro Forum:rocket:


Why join the community? 

We want you to be even more successful with Miro. It’s important to chat with peers from the same industry to validate ideas, share knowledge and expertise, give guidance and insight, and connect with others. 

This is why we created the Miro Forum.


I’m new to this community. Where should I start? 

The best way to get started is to first look at our Community Guidelines and Forum FAQs


Housekeeping items:

  •  :bookmark_tabs: Read the Community Guidelines carefully before you start contributing to forums, and follow them - our moderators will keep the peace here.

  • :bell: Make sure to subscribe to categories and groups that are interesting to you, thus you will receive email notifications when new topics in those categories are created.

  • :question: If you have any questions, please check the Forum FAQs or post your question in Ask the Community.


Stay tuned and enjoy being part of the Miro Community! :hugging:

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