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Better, smoother Desktop App is here!

Tolya Filippov

[SEP, 30. UPD] 

Hi there, 

We’ve released a new Desktop App version to everyone :tada:  

Here’s a full list of improvements:

⚡️Main updates

  • Users can FINALLY open board links (e.g. the ones shared with them on Slack) right in the desktop app.
  • Spell checker is now available
  • It’s possible to paste images right from the clipboard

🍬Other enhancements

  • The app now uses up to 40% less RAM & supports Chinese, Korean, Japanese & Vietnamese languages

🐛Bug fixes

  • SSO authorization now works in 100% cases
  • Users don’t get randomly logged out anymore
  • Keyboard shortcuts now work on boards as well as the dashboard
  • Before, when users updated the app, in some cases it could get stuck in the infinite update loop. We fixed it! 

Install links: MacOSWindows x64Windows x86

And please share your feedback about the new version in the comments below. Thanks! 


Read the old post here :arrow_down::wink:

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Hi everyone! 

We need your help in beta-testing of the new Miro Desktop app version.

It is more stable, secure, and uses less RAM (it's reduced by 40% in some cases). We've also fixed different bugs with SSO authorization, updating flow, random logouts, and many more.

Since there are a lot of devices and OS versions, there can be tricky moments on some of them. That's why we need your help!

Please install the new version via the link below.
Install links: MacOSWindows x64Windows x86

And please share your feedback about the new version on this thread. Thanks! 


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53 replies

  • Retired Community Member
  • 142 replies
  • August 19, 2020

Installed - ok so far

x64 W-10 build 18363.1016

Also seems to be better at opening my web-camera

Isman Tanuri
  • Miro Hero
  • 250 replies
  • August 19, 2020

@Tolya Filippov I’m taking it for a spin. Will feedback in a couple of days. Or ping me if I forget :)

Edit. Wow, that’s massively fast load time for elements/images/whatever-on-the-board. Movement around the board is pretty snappy too. I am using a MacBook Pro.

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 19, 2020

Thankfully finally added Spell Check :grin:

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 19, 2020

Please add feature at log in to remember name and password like Browser does.

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 19, 2020

Cannot reorganize Icons on the Teams Bar (Left of Browser)… this is annoying as I have 20+ Teams and only actively use 3 of them :bug:  

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 19, 2020

When I was logged out because session time out all open Tabs closed… this is frustrating as I lost track of what I had been working on.  Please remember what Tabs are open 

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 19, 2020

Add keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl + Tab to jump between Board Tabs :rabbit:

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • August 20, 2020

I have tested the x64 version on my Surface Tablet. I open MIRO and open 3 of my boards


first impression after some minutes

  • one process more is now shown in the task manager
  • less usage of RAM (~400 MB or ~25%)
  • spell checking (during edit mode) is new

Note: idependently from the Version (current or beta), I see that on my Laptop MIRO is using just 40-50% of the RAM, which my surface tablet is using for MIRO. My Laptop is using AMD and the surface tablet is using Intel, both have 8 GB RAM and the same Windows Image.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • August 21, 2020

not to start a whole discussion, but just curious why I would need a desktop app over the web based version. So far I haven’t felt the need. I'm working on Windows 10 desktop. If someone could enlighten me I'll give it a spin again :)

Isman Tanuri
  • Miro Hero
  • 250 replies
  • August 21, 2020

@Eddy Bruin The desktop app is a lot more responsive than the web version. Most important if you take on facilitation roles. Also, it’s a dedicated app, so it feels like a nice place for focused work rather than the distractions of multiple open apps.

Ultimately, it depends on the level of Miro use. I practically live in for my work so it has been really helpful so far to have a dedicated app.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7256 replies
  • August 21, 2020

@Eddy Bruin Further to @Isman Tanuri’s comments, I find that I never have just Miro open in Chrome (I probably have at least 4-5 sites open at any given time) and as I move between and open more Miro boards in the browser, Chrome begins to slow down to the point where I get frustrated with my Miro experience. Therefore, I have started using the desktop app to keep the two (Internet & Miro) separate.

Now we just need a way to open a board in the desktop app via a URL. I did find one post in the Ask a Question section, but I’ll mention it again here.

I tried entering it into Search box, but that doesn’t work. Perhaps

  • somewhere in the Miro dashboard to paste in a board URL
  • or an option in the tabs bar to open by URL

One example:

@Patterson Waltz shared a trick to open a board from a URL in the Windows app in this comment, but I am unable to recreated it in the latest stable Chrome on Windows 10 2004 to both the latest stable Miro Windows 64-bit app and the beta Windows 64-bit Miro app.

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 21, 2020
Brandon Lee wrote:

Thankfully finally added Spell Check :grin:

Hey Spell Check highlights but doesn’t give Suggestions :disappointed_relieved:

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 21, 2020

Please add method to Move Board Tabs that are opened so they can be sorted left-right, just like moving Browser Tabs.

Brian Fulghum
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 67 replies
  • August 26, 2020

I just downloaded the app and I’m testing it out. I like what I see so far. I have a board open in app and in browser just to compare and the app experience is at least comparable so far. I often have boards open in multiple tabs, and I like being able to keep them together in a separate app outside of a browser. 

I like to have two boards in side-by-side screens, and do that with Chrome regularly. The app allows for opening multiple instances of the program (it doesn’t have tile or side-by-side view).

I’m concerned about computer memory.

  1. How does memory consumption of 3 boards open in the app compare with the same boards open in Chrome? 
  2. and how does memory consumption compare with multiple instances of the app.

  • Retired Community Member
  • 142 replies
  • August 26, 2020
Rob Johnson wrote:

@Eddy Bruin Further to @Isman Tanuri’s comments, I find that I never have just Miro open in Chrome (I probably have at least 4-5 sites open at any given time) and as I move between and open more Miro boards in the browser, Chrome begins to slow down to the point where I get frustrated with my Miro experience. Therefore, I have started using the desktop app to keep the two (Internet & Miro) separate.

Now we just need a way to open a board in the desktop app via a URL. I did find one post in the Ask a Question section, but I’ll mention it again here.

I tried entering it into Search box, but that doesn’t work. Perhaps

  • somewhere in the Miro dashboard to paste in a board URL
  • or an option in the tabs bar to open by URL

One example:

@Patterson Waltz shared a trick to open a board from a URL in the Windows app in this comment, but I am unable to recreated it in the latest stable Chrome on Windows 10 2004 to both the latest stable Miro Windows 64-bit app and the beta Windows 64-bit Miro app.

@Rob Johnson  - If I’ve understood your “open board  from url’ need my workflow may help

I open the url and click the star  after th ename then go to the app where the starred board is now in the list and open there and close the browser tab

Drag and drop URL NO LONGER works for me ! the URL shows a “+” next to if in the mouse tool tip but nowt happens when dropped

1st new  version issue i’ve noticed

  • Retired Community Member
  • 142 replies
  • August 26, 2020
Brian Fulghum wrote:

I just downloaded the app and I’m testing it out. I like what I see so far. I have a board open in app and in browser just to compare and the app experience is at least comparable so far. I often have boards open in multiple tabs, and I like being able to keep them together in a separate app outside of a browser. 

I like to have two boards in side-by-side screens, and do that with Chrome regularly. The app allows for opening multiple instances of the program (it doesn’t have tile or side-by-side view).

I’m concerned about computer memory.

  1. How does memory consumption of 3 boards open in the app compare with the same boards open in Chrome? 
  2. and how does memory consumption compare with multiple instances of the app.


I had two copies of the app open - one with 7 boards open and closing it terminated 12 separate processes!

After that the other with NO boards open has 6 processes with between 500m and 10m commit and quiet a bit of other memory!


not sure how to map a chrome tab to a process

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 27, 2020

Annoying when Miro Session times out and I have many Desktop App Boards open in my active Browser (being used for Internet and not Miro work) the Miro App Tabs will open the same number of Browser Tabs and send me to Login Page :disappointed_relieved:

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 28, 2020

When Search Results return in the Browser you can open a Result in a New Tab and continue looking through the Results List.  This is useful to open several possible Search Results in the background while continuing to scroll through the List.  Please add this to the Desktop Search function.

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 102 replies
  • August 28, 2020
Brandon Lee wrote:

Cannot reorganize Icons on the Teams Bar (Left of Browser)… this is annoying as I have 20+ Teams and only actively use 3 of them :bug:  

I noticed that this has been implemented… not sure why it didn’t work earlier when I tried.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7256 replies
  • September 16, 2020

Buggy sometimes when trying to rearrange my Teams icons - they got stuck like this and I had to re-launch. I am a member of six teams, so three were all bunched up:


Tolya Filippov

Thanks to everyone for the feedback!

@Robert Johnson, can you reproduce the bug with rearranging teams’ icons on a regular basis? We couldn’t reproduce it.

@Brandon Lee Thanks for the suggestions about search results and spell checker, we’ve added it to a backlog. 

Annoying when Miro Session times out and I have many Desktop App Boards open in my active Browser (being used for Internet and not Miro work) the Miro App Tabs will open the same number of Browser Tabs and send me to Login Page 

Could you please give more context about this, I didn’t quite get the flow.

Tolya Filippov

We’ve released the new desktop app version to everyone. The final “what’s new” looks like this:

⚡️Main updates

  • Users can FINALLY open board links (e.g. the ones shared with them on Slack) right in the desktop app.
  • Spell checker is now available
  • It’s possible to paste images right from the clipboard

🍬Other enhancements

  • The app now uses up to 40% less RAM & supports Chinese, Korean, Japanese & Vietnamese languages

🐛Bug fixes

  • SSO authorization now works in 100% cases
  • Users don’t get randomly logged out anymore
  • Keyboard shortcuts now work on boards as well as the dashboard
  • Before, when users updated the app, in some cases it could get stuck in the infinite update loop. We fixed it! 

Rahil Karimlou

the spell checker actually just shows typos, why it cannot offer the correct version of the word?!!!

Fabio Barreiro

Was the 40% RAM optimization made for all OSs? Probably yes, but just want to confirm

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7256 replies
  • September 30, 2020

@Tolya Filippov - Yes!!! The prompt to open a board from a link is much appreciated! 

While I’m here, something that has caused me extra work is lack of a way way to see what version of the Miro desktop app that I am running from within the app itself. Currently I have to spend extra time to open Task Manager, go to the Control Panel, browse to the Miro.exe file, etc.

Perhaps a way to add the version within the app (somewhere on the dashboard at least) would could be useful.

This poster was also looking for the version number:
