Better, smoother Desktop App is here!

  • 19 August 2020
  • 53 replies

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  • Users can FINALLY open board links (e.g. the ones shared with them on Slack) right in the desktop app.




This feature is broken for me and my colleagues. I'm wondering what changed :( The issue is that clicking links of Miro boards no longer open in the Microsoft Miro application. (version 0.4.6 64-bit). Hope you can help :)

Userlevel 7
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Holy shirtballs! I was just working in the Miro desktop app (Windows 64-bit, v0.5.2) and when I right-clicked on a word that spell check highlighted as being misspelled a list of suggestions appeared!


@Tolya Filippov Hello! Reheating this thread because I can’t seem to find any newer information on opening links in the Miro app. Has this functionality changed, or perhaps is it limited to a specific browser or OS? Or is there a setting we need to enable in the app? My team uses many Miro boards for many different client projects and several of us would love to click shared links and open the boards in the Windows or Mac app instead of browser, but nobody seems to have that functionality, all links just open browser tabs instead.
