It would be nice to have more stronger lock which cannot be unlocked by holding the button. Something that needs owner access to unlock or something. This will help organize a board better when working with a lot of members in the team.
Stronger lock / Lock objects by role
- May 15, 2020
- 25 replies
25 replies
- Beginner
- 2 replies
- May 16, 2020
it would be interested that owner of the board, once created the template board, lock all the objects. So a level of permissions linked to the owner.
- Mauro Lupi
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- Beginner
- 2 replies
- May 22, 2020
I wholeheartedly agree with you. The frustration you feel when you faciltitate a workshop and someone unlocks the content out of curiosity. And suddenly all your carefully placed objects are moving around when someone is trying to move around the board instead.
- Beginner
- 2 replies
- May 25, 2020
I agree - In Mural, when you lock and object, you can select whether it can be unlocked by anyone or only the facilitator. I would say that this is currently my biggest concern with inviting workshop attendees into my Miro board, and creates the unfortunate need to ask participants not to unlock locked items while they are participating in the workshop. Please add a lock level where only facilitators can unlock it, and allow for multiple facilitators to be defined for a given board.
- Active Contributor
- 33 replies
- May 26, 2020
I have deeply missed this in quite a few sessions already. Actually it is the only feature of another whiteboard, that i really missed.
- New Here
- 1 reply
- May 28, 2020
I just had a session today, where I had too many people really screwing up my board. I also miss the function of hiding content from participants. Both features are available in MURAL and I’m really considering to move, because those are key features to me.
Is ther any plan to implement this in Miro? Because I’d really would like to stay with Miro
- Beginner
- 2 replies
- May 28, 2020
I agree,
- Beginner
- 8 replies
- May 28, 2020
Agree with everything that’s already been said.
Miro is behind Mural when it comes to giving facilitators the tools needed to set the stage and set intentional boundaries on who can do what where and when in a white-boarding session.
I find this incredibly frustrating since the “bones” of Miro strike me more robust than Mural.
- New Here
- 1 reply
- June 1, 2020
Totally agree. It is quite frustrating to see participants unlocking my templates and mess out everything. It is the only feature that is missing and that will make me move to Mural.
- 11 replies
- June 2, 2020
There is another item in the requests: about having multiple locks or a “facilitator lock” - check that out and up vote it if is makes sense.
- New Here
- 1 reply
- June 4, 2020
an alternative to this might be a layer system, where the owner can still make changes on the fly but give collaborators access to a safe layer where they cannot access the fixed material.
- Beginner
- 7 replies
- June 5, 2020
This is so much needed. Yesterday I was facilitating a workshop and somebody from another team unlocked a frame, clicked the “grid” button, and boom, a 30 minute exercise gone forever.

Come on Miro! Mural already has a feature where the “owner” of the board can lock all items and prevent these accidents from happening.

- New Here
- 1 reply
- July 6, 2020
It would be awesome if this feature could be introduced asap. We’re teaching many classes and doing many workshops. It’s a pain in the eye, as well as disturbing for participants, that items accidentally get unlocked by participants who don’t understand the tool that well.
- Contributor
- 11 replies
- July 6, 2020
I agree with everything that has been said. There needs to be an option to only authorize unlocks by facilitators or owners.
We’ve had the same issue as
I have a couple of other issues with the lock feature that I feel could be addressed:
- Locking elements in groups creates visual ‘frame’ around them that participants can see if they hover over it. The workaround is to lock large elements individually and group smaller ones. However it takes forever to lock/unlock everything. An option for a type of lock that doesn’t create such a “frame” and is not visible for participants would be nice.
- An option for owners to lock/unlock everything on the board in a single click. It takes too long to go through the board and lock every element manually and there’s always a possibility of missing something.
- Beginner
- 7 replies
- July 6, 2020
And what about importing the group logic of Keynote and Illustrator? If you group objects on MIRO, and then group that old group to a new group, whenever you ungroup, all previous grouping is gone! I hope I made myself understood. :D
- Contributor
- 11 replies
- July 6, 2020
And what about importing the group logic of Keynote and Illustrator? If you group objects on MIRO, and then group that old group to a new group, whenever you ungroup, all previous grouping is gone! I hope I made myself understood. :D
I’ve also just had the issue where going into a group to delete an element just dissolves the whole group… Annoying issue when you have multiple groups on top of each other.
That might be another topic for the wishlist though.
- Experienced Community Member
- 103 replies
- July 6, 2020
I would find it helpful distinguishing the Lock between changing content and changing position. There are so many times where I want to invite content changes but Users, no matter how experienced, accidentally drag and move Objects causing confusion. Having the ability to Lock Position would eliminate this headache.
- Experienced Community Member
- 103 replies
- July 6, 2020
I agree - In Mural, when you lock and object, you can select whether it can be unlocked by anyone or only the facilitator. I would say that this is currently my biggest concern with inviting workshop attendees into my Miro board, and creates the unfortunate need to ask participants not to unlock locked items while they are participating in the workshop. Please add a lock level where only facilitators can unlock it, and allow for multiple facilitators to be defined for a given board.
I hate it when I am in a situation where things are overly controlled and I need to make requests to edit changes. This can really be a an issue when the person(s) needing to provide permission is away. Perhaps Miro can allow the User to Apply a Message to the Lock that shows when another User attempts to Unlock Objects. I think most Users will get the hint not to modify if given the message.
If you really want to control the content on your Board maybe object level locking is not the most robust/flexible strategy. I had always wanted Miro to implement Frame Level Change Management where all contents in the Frame can be prescribed a Lifecycle which could be defined at a Global Level to be various states: Draft - Allows anyone/all to make changes, Review - Allows adding/commenting but not changes to existing content, and then Approved - No more content changes or commenting. See
- New Here
- 1 reply
- July 13, 2020
Agree that this is a must. I use miro board for running Design Sprints and our board consists on more than 100 elements, and participants of sessions are always unlocking everything and creating a havoc of the board. We need to have a lock option that doesn’t allow participants to unlock.
- 11 replies
- August 15, 2020
Added this as a potential short term option: please upvote it if you like it:
- Mironeer
- 4 replies
- August 16, 2020
Hey guys, I was wondering — let’s imagine you have a “facilitator lock”. Is there a case when you would still lock objects with a regular lock? And why?
- New Here
- 1 reply
- August 28, 2020
Hey guys, I was wondering — let’s imagine you have a “facilitator lock”. Is there a case when you would still lock objects with a regular lock? And why?
As a facilitator in Mural I will not lock with a regular lock. The facilitator should have higher privilege than regular user.
- Retired Community Member
- 142 replies
- August 28, 2020
Hey guys, I was wondering — let’s imagine you have a “facilitator lock”. Is there a case when you would still lock objects with a regular lock? And why?
Yes - but maybe its as a result of ‘mistakes’ or at least logical contradictions in the UI design?
Possibly there are issues of overlap with the definition / meaning and use of ‘group’
Did you guys create, examine and test the board’s grammar before implementing it? - while its visual you are creating a language - from (distant) memory there is stuff about this in Laurel - - I expect a BNF spec of the grammar is needed (and would be usefully published too?)
the UI’s modal property ‘navigate board’ and ‘move objects’ is overlapping with the concept of Authoring a board versus using a board. Board *users* still need - ‘mark this as don’t move’
As author I want to create ‘solid artefacts’ - a house builder expects the wall to stay strong when the door is opened. So a lock on ‘Board infrastructure’ that creates or ‘is’ the board’s meaning (the semantics of, for example running a retro or a design sprint) is different from I’ve created an ‘activity default start point, unlock if you need to’ but that maybe the same as a users “ok, that bits as I want, lets protect from unintended mess-up”
In general modal UX is a bad thing for learning curves. Modal change that is not constantly signposted is a VERY bad thing. Overlapping concepts are a bad thing. Overlapping concepts (use cases) that aren’t separate in the grammar are a very bad thing and when all 4 are in the same melting pot...
- New Here
- 1 reply
- September 8, 2020
Agree that this is most needed. In addition when an object has a “facilitator lock” it shouldn’t be possible to send any other objects behind it, it should always remain as the backmost object. Alternatively, there could be “Lock in backmost position” toggle on the object property list.
- Beginner
- 2 replies
- September 24, 2020
You absolutely MUST create a facilitator only lock/unlock. When one hosts a meeting in which a background is critical to the placement of notes and 50 to 100 people are involved, it invariably happens that someone unlocks the background. As an example, I show you a complex planning board that is intended to be background. Note placement depends on team and week or sprint. When someone inadvertently unlocks the background all hell breaks loose. People begin moving background frames, table elements and labels around. Days worth of work is destroyed in seconds. We will go back to Mural if this is not fixed very soon.

- Mironeer
- 38 replies
- October 16, 2020
Hey there,
Happy to announce we released Protected lock
Now board owners can designate whether items they lock can be unlocked by anyone or only by them. Protected Lock is ideal for those who design and facilitate interactive meetings and workshops in Miro.
Available for Team, Business, Consultant, Education, and Enterprise Plan.
Let us know what you think
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