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Open integration - similar to the Trello and Asana integrations

Johnny L.
  • Sander
  • Paul McGregor
  • Marius Ursu
  • Stephen Nicholson
  • Johnny L.
    Johnny L.
  • David Zurbuchen
  • businessmanager
  • Christina Withrow
  • Sasker Soontiëns
    Sasker Soontiëns
  • JonL
  • gardenshoes
  • Anna Wren

As a user of I would appreciate the ability to integrate directly with Miro, similar to the Asana and Trello integrations that already exist. 

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5 replies


I would add a vote in the context of creating integration similar to Jira, being able to create items from Miro item as #1 imagined use case, but also being able to pull monday items into miro for different visual could also be nice, but a distant #2 imo

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 7, 2022

Agreed that I need this but to have it be more like the Jira two way integration. Jira is a horrible platform to use. It would be so much better to be able to use this with

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