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Education Plan settings preset?

  • August 23, 2021
  • 1 reply

I’ve used Miro for about a year, in a college setting. I’ve never solicited student input on the boards, because it didn’t seem obvious how to accomplish that gracefully. I’ve just yesterday come across community post about a way of using “Projects” as a stand in for separating different course rosters into what otherwise would seem to be “teams.” That’s got me really excited about the possibilities for this year. 

My observation is that 1) Miro is just incredible. I haven’t run into a tech tool with this much promise for college teaching in many years. I use it in pretty much every class as my whiteboard, to facilitate lectures and discussion of readings. 2) Miro’s website seems geared toward a corporate crowd. That makes sense, because most of us education folks are on free accounts (bless your hearts for those free accounts!). So 3) it can be difficult to figure out ways to reconfigure Miro for use in education. For example, I don’t find many templates, using keywords like “education,” “college,” “students,” “teaching,” etc. 

Mostly, it comes down a a set of permissions that would make sense for an academic context. If the following can already be accomplished, I’m going to be the happiest guy on the planet. But I’ve looked and read, and looked some more… and I can’t find exactly what I need. Eighteen-year-old students have different tendencies than older adults who interact with Miro as part of their full-time job. It would be fantastic to see a way to give students permission to add sticky notes as well as comments, for example. It would be even better to limit their edits to their own material. I’m envisioning an option to select “student,” instead of “editor” etc. And then a set of follow up options that allow these other tweaks. Sometimes I’d like to have them work in teams, so joint editing would be great. But many times, I’ll be hoping that they play nicely with others’ content, as they edit and respond to a board I’ve created for use during class. I’m largely going to be asking them to use sticky notes, vote, comment on my lecture notes and copies of slides during class, generate their own answers to questions I pose, etc. I hope that I can encourage them to let me know what in-class content they are struggling with or have reactions to. At other times, they’ll be able to create their own teams and work together on a board as part of a project.

Without having actually involved students in use of Miro for a class, here some options I’d like to be able to toggle on/off: 

“Students can SEE other students’ work on this board”

“Students can EDIT other students’ work on this board”

“Students can EDIT faculty work on this board”

“Students can see the student names and email address”

Are these kinds of things already possible? If not, surely there are seasoned education users who have even better suggestions for tailoring Miro for use in an academic setting. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • August 23, 2021

@Mark Vincent - Welcome to the Community.

There is currently no solution that I am aware of to toggle the following on/off:

“Students can SEE other students’ work on this board”

“Students can see the student names and email address”


As for:

“Students can EDIT other students’ work on this board”

“Students can EDIT faculty work on this board”


A board owner can use the Protect lock feature to lock an item so that only they can unlock it.


Feature to lock objects at the user level

While this doesn’t currently exist, there is at least one Wish List Idea post asking for more control over who can edit specific objects on a board. I would suggest that you add your comments/vote:

Of if you can’t find an existing Wish List Idea that covers what you’re looking to do, feel free to create your own by following these guidelines:


For all readers, here is a post that outlines how you can use Projects to create mini-teams within one team, which includes setting the default permissions for newly created boards and projects, so that only the person creating them can see them until they chose who to share them with:
