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Pasting an artboard or objects from Sketch to Miro?


Hi, my team uses the Miro MacOS app, and we (daily) need a better way of getting select artboards or objects that live in multiple Sketch files into Miro.

For example, we have UI designs and illustrations that live within Sketch files that are used for product design workshops that use Miro for collaboration and product development. 


We don’t need to have artboards synced or linked from Sketch to Miro - but just need the ability for Miro to accept selected and copied objects - and/or artboards - and paste them into Miro as an image. We’d rather not resort to exporting from Sketch, or having to take a screenshot of the Sketch artboard and bringing it into Miro, which is the current painful workflow. 

Is there an obvious way to copy & paste artboards or objects from Sketch directly into Miro that we’re missing? Many thanks.

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Michael Sohn
  • Retired Community Member
  • 75 replies
  • June 13, 2020

Hi @Nomar,

If I’m understanding this correctly, you’re looking to insert only certain parts of your artboard/objects from Sketch into Miro, and not to export the entire art board/object from Sketch into Miro? If so, this sounds more like an issue with Sketch than with Miro, though I’m not sure how the Sketch integration app works with Miro, so I can’t say for sure.

I’ve never used Sketch, so I don’t know how it works, but there’s no option to just copy the selected artboards/objects you want and paste it into Miro (or anywhere else)? I feel like a program should allow you to do such a thing. 🤷‍♂️

I found these two articles that may (or may not be helpful), but I thought I’d share them anyway just in case:

Exporting from Sketch

Exporting Artboards and pages plugin by Sketch

Seems with the plugin, you can export it as a PDF, which you could then upload into Miro.

If that doesn’t quite address the issue, I’d recommend reaching out to Miro support to see if they have any ideas on how to improve your workflow from Sketch to Miro.

Michael Sohn

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  • June 16, 2020

@Michael Sohn thanks for the reply and tips. I appreciate it.

Unfortunately the plugin doesn’t address the core need - which is to copy objects/artwork from Sketch and place into Miro. While I am able to export (in multiple file formats) whole artboards from Sketch, that becomes a tiring and inefficient workflow. 

I’d like to be able to select something and copy and paste it. At this point I’m guessing that Miro is unable to understand and translate the copied clipboard image. 


Anyone from Miro Support read these posts and able to comment on this issue? @Marina :) 




Michael Sohn
  • Retired Community Member
  • 75 replies
  • June 16, 2020

Hi @Nomar,

I’m sorry to hear that. I feel like that’s something Miro should be able to do, but I’m not sure what’s the exact solution to your issue.

Perhaps Marina may be able to respond, but I’d also recommend submitting a ticket to Miro Support, if you haven’t already.

Michael Sohn


  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • June 23, 2020

Hi there,

So I asked our engineers about this: when you cmd+C something in Sketch, you can’t paste it anywhere, not only Miro, as this is not an image yet. You’ll need to export the image in Sketch first anyway.

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  • July 10, 2020
Marina wrote:

Hi there,

So I asked our engineers about this: when you cmd+C something in Sketch, you can’t paste it anywhere, not only Miro, as this is not an image yet. You’ll need to export the image in Sketch first anyway.


Hi @Marina , thank you for following up! 

Unfortunately, that information you got isn’t factually correct. I am able to copy & paste from Sketch directly into many other apps as an image. These apps are a part of my daily workflow and are apps I regularly copy & paste from Sketch into – 

They include all MS Office products: Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
Apple’s apps that I use and accept Sketch copied objects are Notes, Mail, and Keynote. 

Sadly Miro is the only app that I use daily that I have to hack the process and “export” from Sketch or use screenshots, which is super frustrating and slow. 

Please encourage your product team at Miro to download a Trial copy of Sketch and try it out. I have no interest in writing this feedback here other than to make my life as a designer – and the 100+ other designers at my company much happier : )

If you need more info from me I’m happy to share it.
I appreciate your attention to this issue. Thanks again! 

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • July 13, 2020

Hi @Nomar,

You are right, so sorry for confusing you :disappointed_relieved:
We tested again and tried to copy the image from Sketch. and it got to the clipboard. We also checked that it works in the browser version of Miro - you can paste Sketch images directly to the board. 

Will you please reach out to the Support team (the link is in Michael’s message above) to raise the issue that the image isn’t copied in the Desktop App

Thank you!

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • August 24, 2020

Hey @Nomar,

You’ve already received this reply from the Support team, and I want to copy it here for visibility:

I am glad to let you know that the option should be available in our new beta version of the Desktop app. Please try to install the new version of the app from this page and check whether you can paste the image. 

  • Author
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  • August 31, 2020

Thank you for following up in the thread here. And thank you for listening to the feedback.

Glad that C&P works in the browser version at least, and now in the desktop app!

Happy copy & pasting everyone! :grin:

  • Beginner
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  • February 10, 2023

C&P flattens all objects - it is useless.
