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First time user: adding clients to the board?

Dear colleagues,


I am using Miro for the first time and wondering how to add my clients in the consultant plan - each board/ project should only have these clients that are relevant to it, but I am stuck at the basic beginning: adding the clients to the board.

Can anybody help me please.

Much appreciated.


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4 replies

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • May 22, 2021

@Amber Verstraelen - Welcome to Miro, and to the Community!

Before we start solutioning, I’d like to learn a bit more about who you anticipate working with your clients in Miro. Therefore, here are a few questions I have:

  • Do your clients already use Miro?
  • Will your clients need to collaborate on boards with you, i.e., have edit access, or do they only need to view or add comments on the boards?
  • Will there be an expectation that your clients will need to create boards in your account/plan?
  • Are you expecting to give your clients edit access to your boards for free or are you okay with paying for this?

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • May 23, 2021

@Amber Verstraelen - While we wait for your reply, here is some information about Teams vs. Projects.

Consultant Plan & Unlimited Teams

Probably the biggest benefit of the Consultant Plan is that you can create unlimited teams. While Miro does have Projects, which can be configured in such a way that you can add boards and team members to Projects as a way to control/limit access, doing so can be administratively taxing and can open you up to risk should you attempt to add multiple clients to one team.

A better way to manage your boards by clients--if you are going to be adding your clients as team members--is to create one team per client. Creating a new team in the Consultant Plan is a little different than when you create a new paid team.

From your Dashboard, click the Team profile settings icon:


… then Company:


… and then Teams → Create new team:


You will be able to switch between teams by clicking on them in the left-hand vertical bar from your dashboard - for example, here is my dashboard:



Here is some information on Projects from one of my other replies on this forum.


Think of Projects kind of like “folders” on your computer - they are a way to organize your boards within a team. You could use Projects as a way to further organize the boards that your are working on for/with a client.

Example - You have a client whom you are working with two different employees from their company. First, you create a new team for this company. Then, you add both of these employees as members to this new team, e.g., Jill and John. However, you will be working on different boards with Jill and John and don’t want each of them to see the other’s boards, so you create a Project called Jill and another called John. Then you add Jill to this Project and AND you disable “Anyone in your team can view this project”, so John can’t see it. Finally, you add the boards that you want Jill to work on with you and now she can see them.

NOTE: You would also want to set each board’s Share → Team settings to No access:

Even with this board Share setting set to No access, if you put the board into the Jill project, Jill will be able to see it as the Project share settings override the Board share settings in this scenario.

Changing the default Board and Share settings

Rather than having to change the team-level share settings for Projects and Boards after you have created them, you can set the default behaviour from your Team profile settings:


Board Content Settings

One more feature that you are going to want to read up on is the Board Content Settings.

This setting will let you control who can copy your board’s content. Be aware that If you don’t lock this down, your clients (or anyone you give access to the board, e.g., Guest Editors, could copy elements of your board to them own Miro boards, or even duplicate the entire board from your account to their own. This becomes extremely import for anyone who creates custom templates/workshops that they don’t want people to make copies of.

Example - This board is in my Miro account and is set to Anyone with the link → Can view and the the Board Content Settings are set so that Anyone with the board access can copy it. If you were to open this board and click on the board name/title at the top-left corner, the Board details window will open and then you click click the Duplicate button and copy the entire board to your account (which you are free to do so if you’d like):

Robert Johnson wrote:

@Amber Verstraelen - Welcome to Miro, and to the Community!

Before we start solutioning, I’d like to learn a bit more about who you anticipate working with your clients in Miro. Therefore, here are a few questions I have:

  • Do your clients already use Miro?
  • Will your clients need to collaborate on boards with you, i.e., have edit access, or do they only need to view or add comments on the boards?
  • Will there be an expectation that your clients will need to create boards in your account/plan?
  • Are you expecting to give your clients edit access to your boards for free or are you okay with paying for this?

Hallo @Robert Johnson , in response to your questions:

  • my clients have never used Miro before
  • my clients will collaborate on the boards, as to fill out post-its and such - cooperative workshops
  • my clients do not need to create boards in my account
  • I don’t know if they require edit access for what I want them to be able to do.  I don’t anticipate to have to pay for that additional, as I would have a different group of clients for every board/ project.

I hope these answers give you a better understanding of my situation.  Providing I have a consultant plan, I was hoping that the participants to my workshops (clients) would get access to fill out post-its and give input to the workshop content without making adjustments to the boards themselves… except for adding post-its etc.

Or is there another way to deal with this?  Thanks in advance

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • May 25, 2021

@Amber Verstraelen - Thanks for the additional information.

Guest Editor access

Given your scenario, using the Guest Editor access will work for you, which is available as a part of your Consultant Plan.

Here’s how to use this feature:

  1. Open your board’s Share settings and set Anyone with the link to Can edit:
  2. Optional → You can choose to password protect the board. NOTE: No Miro account is required by the end user - they will only need to enter the password you set:
  3. And last you will need to send the board link to your clients. You can either use the Copy board link button or copy it from the browser address bar:



At anytime you want to test the set up and see what your clients will see, you can go through the above steps and then open the board from either a private/incognito browser window, i.e., simulate being someone who is not signed into a Miro account.

What Guest Editors can do

I was hoping that the participants to my workshops (clients) would get access to fill out post-its and give input to the workshop content without making adjustments to the boards themselves… except for adding post-its etc.

Unfortunately you won’t be able to specify which objects your guests can/cannot create or edit. But don’t worry - they can’t do things like change the board Sharing options or delete the board.

For anything that you absolutely do not want your guests to be able to move/edit/delete, you will need to Lock these objects.

From the Collaboration with Guest Editors Help Center article, here is a bit more about what your guests will can’t do:


Restoring deleted objects

If your Guests do delete anything they should not have, you will be able to restore them from the Activity List - read more on this here →

Using Miro with no account

Just a heads up--which you will see if you test it out for  yourself--that the Miro board will have some popup ads for users who are not signed in. Also, their names will not appear beside their cursors. I would personally like to see a better experience for non-signed in users, so I created the following Wish List Idea - if you agree, please click the Vote button :blush:
