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Online Exhibition and Walkabout on Miro

  • August 26, 2020
  • 8 replies

Nina Torr

Hi everyone

We recently hosted an exhibition opening on Miro. We had a few artists create live drawings on the board and we held an opening speech and discussion via Discord/Miro.

Here’s a video we made of the event and we’re hosting an exhibition ‘walkabout’ today at 18h00 CAT. Feel free to join! All the join links can be found here:



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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • August 26, 2020

@Nina Torr I just checked this out. Very cool! And well done to all of those involved in the setup of the board - the hard work involved was obvious. What a wonderful use of Miro!

One suggestion I have for any future events is to create a landing/welcome frame/location on the board and then setting the board’s start view to this location, so it’s the first thing visitors see when the load the board. While I am quite familiar Miro, I can see how being thrown into the fire of a bunch of little tiny boxes and not knowing where to start could be a bit overwhelming for some. A few things that could be included in a start location frame/section of the board could be:

  • Board etiquette - not putting comments or stickers directly on the art (I removed these as I came across them)
  •  Let people know about presentation mode option, so they can just click that and move throughout the show using the arrow keys.


Nina Torr
  • Author
  • Miro Hero
  • 10 replies
  • August 27, 2020

Hi Rob

Thanks for stopping by and for the suggestions!

Good point about the starting location. We had something like that at a previous exhibition and I think we took some of this info for granted this time, which we shouldn't, considering there will always be new viewers. 

We definitely learnt our lesson with the stickers! People went a bit mad with them at the opening and we eventually had to lock them. So you learn! But I agree some etiquette tips would help because people are surprisingly compliant with guidelines. We were nervous about giving viewers edit access, but it went quite well considering how much editing capacity each viewer technically has at their disposal. 

We actually deliberately left out the presentation mode info this time to encourage people to explore the show more organically, like a real exhibition, but for the walkabout we had viewers click on the speaker’s profile, which helped with navigation. 


Thanks again and take care!


Elma Jakupovic

@Nina Torr This looks awesome, verry inspiring use of the tool. Is there a possibility of visiting the miro-borad afterwards? Would love to see how you build it up and make it look like a real exhabition. 



Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • January 7, 2021

@Nina Torr - The board is still active. Just follow the link above to get to a page that has a link to the Miro board. 

Elma Jakupovic

@Robert Johnson Thanks for the fast answer!

if you mean this one: I unfortunately can`t get any access to the site. It says: access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. 

Don`t understand why.

Would appreciate if you can share a direct likt to the board.  


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • January 7, 2021

@Nina Torr - Ahhh, gotcha. Here it is →

Elma Jakupovic

@Robert Johnson - Thank you a lot! Looks really amazing, well done!

Nina Torr
  • Author
  • Miro Hero
  • 10 replies
  • January 8, 2021

Great, thanks, @Elma Jakupovic for checking it out and thanks @Robert Johnson for the help with the link!