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"How I Do Network Diagramming in Miro” with Andre Mocke

"How I Do Network Diagramming in Miro” with Andre Mocke

Hey folks, I'm Andre, one of the software engineers at Miro!


Super excited to share with you how we make the most out of Miro's technical diagramming tools and other nifty features to enhance our communication and streamline our delivery process. This isn't just about us engineers at Miro. It's about how we're building a platform that truly empowers you.



Here's a sneak peek of what I'll be talking about:


  • Getting everyone's input to craft solid architecture solutions
  • Leveraging our diagram library to create accurate visuals
  • Bridging the gap between abstract concepts and actual tech implementation


Hope you all enjoy it!


Watch this video and If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and tag me :) 


Andre @Miro 


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