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US Government warning pops up when users try to access miro through CMS

  • May 27, 2020
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  • 16 replies

I recently held a pro-bono session in Miro with random people, using a free account and shared the board’s link with editing rights to anyone who had the link.

One of the invited later came back to me and explained that they didn’t want to access the board because of the below message. In steps they: 

1. Clicked the link I had shared with them
2. Landed on the sign in page
3. They provided their work email (big corporate email)
4. They landed on this screen:

How should I handle these cases, I guess the information is provided not by Miro, but by an external party, probably the IT department controlling the email domain that was used?

Needless to say, this will definately not improve adoption rates of users… :)

Best answer by Michael

Hi Johan,

The message is not related to the board you’ve sent a link to.

The user who received a link to your board has a seat in an Enterprise Account with SAML SSO enabled. In short, this user can’t use his personal email+password and can log into Miro only using corporate company credentials. This particular page is a miniOrange SSO provider login page and is managed totally by the IT department of the company. 


It is possible that the user never used Miro before but since corporate domain was used to log in/create a profile - the user was redirected to this page. 


However, this user can create a personal Miro profile with for instance and you can send him an invitation to this email instead of a corporate one. 

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  • Mironeer
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  • Answer
  • May 28, 2020

Hi Johan,

The message is not related to the board you’ve sent a link to.

The user who received a link to your board has a seat in an Enterprise Account with SAML SSO enabled. In short, this user can’t use his personal email+password and can log into Miro only using corporate company credentials. This particular page is a miniOrange SSO provider login page and is managed totally by the IT department of the company. 


It is possible that the user never used Miro before but since corporate domain was used to log in/create a profile - the user was redirected to this page. 


However, this user can create a personal Miro profile with for instance and you can send him an invitation to this email instead of a corporate one. 
