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Extract Card Names From a Board

  • September 17, 2021
  • 3 replies


I need to extract the names of cards from a board programmatically.

Been reading your REST API documentation.

Am confused about how to generate the access token.

We use Azure AD as our Authorisation Server.

Do you have some really simple examples of how to do this?

Many thanks.


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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7270 replies
  • September 17, 2021

@David Richardson - I moved this post to the Developer Platform and APIs forum.

I don’t know that I will help you much as I am not a developer (I was about 80 years ago), but I will share my recent experience with using Miro’s REST API for the first time.

My motivation for doing so → to get a list of boards that were publicly accessible, i.e., Sharing was set to anything other than Anyone with the link = No access.

Here is a post that first gave me this idea →

I used this documentation as my guide for how to get a list of boards →

And I used this documentation for getting an access token:

When you get to the "Configure and install your app in Miro" steps you will see:



And then I used this token in Postman (rather than building an app):


Perhaps someone else will have other examples for you.

Mr Robert Johnson.

Thank you so much.

The Miro documentation is good, but the piece about the bearer token lacks clear example.

Have a good weekend.


Anthony Roux
  • Mironeer
  • 215 replies
  • September 20, 2021

Hey @David Richardson,


We have updated the Authorization documentation recently. We would love to hear your feedback about what part is confusing and how we could improve it so it is easier to implement the OAuth 2 flow.
