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If This Then Miro. Deeper Density. and Vasting Up.

  • October 31, 2020
  • 4 replies

Right now Miro seems mostly about people starting things. I’m sure Miro has a frequency distribution showing how many boards people make. Over time, how many times they come back, factors driving repeat usage, tipping point between trying a few boards and being hooked on Miro, factors driving sharing and collaboration. 

IFTTM. I want to know about scale and how miro will help with scale. With APIs, other tools can generate boards. Like the manager who had more than a thousand pdfs for his team to annotate. People who meet could connect miro to calendaring and conferencing apps to trigger templated boards and automatically invite the right folks to contribute. Software developers might have a project’s issues not just added to a an existing kanban but start a scorecard board for each issue for a team to weigh in. There might be thousands of boards per worker, most generated automatically to lay the ground for further work.  

Overwhelm ahead. But nothing in the user experience suggests any help for the person trying to work with bajilions of boards, many for the first time. Think about working with jira or some other massive list of collected produced stuff that’s begging for attention. New user goals emerge for things like managing overwhelm, finding focus, retiring/archiving old conversations, 

The massive board is a counterpart. The mindmap collectively used by 500 people over four years with 10k nodes updated hourly and viewed by thousands. The customer story that starts as one journey and becomes an epic then the totality of enterprise’s customer experience with tens of thousands of moments, a digital twin updated as much by ops tools as by designers. These are also levels of complexity and information density worthy of cultivation but that have their own flavors of large scale navigation and discovery and quality problems.

A common case. I was at an online unconference last week, about 140 sessions over three days for 400 people. Every session should have had miro mindmap boards for collective notetaking. We could have had boards to organize themes that emerged and start plans for action between now and next time. This should all have been generated by the event system. There should be a way for the boards to have been collected into an “event proceedings.”

This is all to say, I love what you’ve been doing and the intimate focus. But you’re opening doors to complexity that have enormous personal and business value. It’s a meaningful challenge. Thanks and good luck. 

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Max Harper
  • Miro Hero
  • 373 replies
  • November 2, 2020

@Phil Wolff

Love what you’re saying about complexity. 

Did you know you can embed a Miro board … in another Miro board..? 🤯




 it’s Miro boards all the way down ... 

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • November 3, 2020

Hi, Max. A Tardis inside a Tardis? :wink:  

Daniela Gavidia

I love the idea of generating proceedings from boards after a conference!

Sita Magnuson

I appreciate this post, as it captures a lot of what our team is sitting with–we’ve been pushing the limits of Miro as a tool for complex over-time sensemaking, as well as dense information capture and synthesis of convenings. It is abundantly clear what the possibilities of this platform are in regards to helping people navigate and engage more meaningfully with vast amounts of content. I imagine that future developments might include more website-like behaviors/capabilities. Good to know about embedding boards in boards, as we’ve been wondering how to handle a large-scale project (10 years), given the limitations of the platform RE load time (our biggest challenge to date). This might be one way we can solve part of the problem–will explore! 
