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Rest API URL for specific user boards?


Rest API URL for specific user boards?

I have gone through all documentation articles in the

But I couldn't find the rest API url for specific user boards.

Was it helpful?

2 replies

Horea Porutiu

Hi @Naveen prakash 

If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to retrieve the boards for a specific user, is that correct?

If that is correct, you can then use the get boards endpoint:

Since you are passing in the access token to make this request, the response will include only boards which this particular user (which is associated with this access token) has access to. So by default you will only get this sepcific user’s boards that they are in.

If you want to only retrieve the boards which they are “owner” of, then you can use the “owner” parameter to pass in the userID so that you only retrieve boards which are owned by a specific user. 

Please let me know if this answers your question. 


Hi Horea,


Thanks for your information.

Yes it works for me, now I'm able to retrieve the boards of any specific user with below API url.<user_id>


Best Regards.

Naveen prakash.

