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How can i get the list of users from every boards using miro api

  • January 31, 2024
  • 1 reply


Is there any way to get the users list from every boards associated with team under single api only as I cannot call the multiple api in my workflow based on the board api 

I am using auth0 to authenticate the users

Horea Porutiu

 Hi @Siddharth Vaishnav,

I don’t think you will be able to do that with a single API call, but you should be able to achieve it with a couple of API calls. 

First, you will want to get all the boards associated with a given team (using the TeamID parameter in the API request): 

Once you have the list of boards, you will likely want to loop through the list of boards and then call Get all board members API for each of those boards which were returned from the get-boards API call. 

I can certainly pass this feedback on to the team, to enable getting all board members for a specific team with one API call. 

Hope this helps! 

