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Issue assigning a person to a card - board participants don't show up

I have a problem with cards : I try to associate an action (= card), to a personn who is contributing to the board.

But, when I click on the icon (:who), I have no choice, only my name, even if we are 4 people working on the board (there isn’t any list, with names of people contributing)

these people don’t belong to my team, but they have been invited with the link, and have registered with their email. 

One more information : I have already facilitated a session, and created such cards ( with attribution of people for each action), and now, it doesn’t work !! what’s happening ? 

Thank you in advance, 


Best answer by Kiron Bondale

@Florence Van Roy - Pas de soucis, je comprends aussi le français!

Now that you are on a consultant plan, every “full access” participant of your boards needs to be a licensed user. The only exception is if you were to share your board using the anonymous guest editor approach but with that, you wouldn’t be seeing users with their “real names” so you couldn’t assign them to cards in any case.


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • June 2, 2020

@Florence Van Roy -

Can you confirm that these non-team members are able to interact with the board normally?



yes, they can create notes, cards etc. The own problem is to have the list of participants (non team members), when we create a card (and want to chose an “owner” of the task). 

Thank you for your help ! I am a bit stressed, it is (tomorrow) my first session with Miro (and a team) !


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • June 2, 2020

@Florence Van Roy -

Share the board with someone who IS part of your team and see if they show up in the assignee list. If they do, this sounds like either a design decision OR a defect - one of the Mironeers would be able to confirm that.


@Kiron Bondale 

Thank you for your answer !

Unfortunately, I can’t check with a member of my team, because I am alone (I am a consultant)…

The only change between the previous session (when it was ok), is that I have upgraded miro !

I was on free user, and I am now as consultant (15$ per month). And I can no more use cards !   :-(

If I understand your answer (I am french, so I am not sure about english language), it would be a defect of Miro ? 

Thank you ones more for your help !


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • Answer
  • June 2, 2020

@Florence Van Roy - Pas de soucis, je comprends aussi le français!

Now that you are on a consultant plan, every “full access” participant of your boards needs to be a licensed user. The only exception is if you were to share your board using the anonymous guest editor approach but with that, you wouldn’t be seeing users with their “real names” so you couldn’t assign them to cards in any case.


merci encore @Kiron Bondale , vos réponses m’aident vraiment bcp car je ne comprenais plus rien...

je vois que je me suis donc trompée en prenant cette licence, car il n’est bien sûr pas question que les participants (de mes clients) prennent aussi une licence…  j’avais justement compris que la licence “consultant” permettait d’avoir des participants en gratuit et full access… je me suis donc trompée apparemment ?

donc en résumé, soit je reviens sur une utilisation gratuite (mais est ce possible d’annuler l’abonnement ??). Dans ce cas, les participants pourront alors créer des cartes et avoir la liste des autres participants pour assigner des actions à quelqu’un, c’est ça ?  (c’est un peu incroyable, si il y a + de possibilité en “free”...).

Et par contre, je n’aurai plus les votes, ce qui était la seule raison pour moi, de prendre l’abonnement, donc pas très grave je pense….

Ai je bien compris ?

merci bcp encore !!



Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • June 2, 2020

@Florence Van Roy , je répondrai en anglais car mon français est un peu rouillé :grinning: :

One of the main differences between the free and all the paid plans is the free plan gives you unlimited full, named users for a board, but only allows you to have three active boards whereas the paid plans enable you to have unlimited active boards.

Once you are on a Consultant plan, you have three options:

  1. Add users as a “full access user”. If you are paying by the month, then you could only pay for the maximum number of full access users you would need in a given day and then transfer the subscriptions from one “named” person to another.
  2. Use a day pass. This will provide someone with full access for one day as a named user. This is good if you have very few additional users, otherwise it will start to get costly.
  3. Set users up as “anonymous guest editors”. This is free, but you can’t rename the generic guest names provided by Miro for them and if the URL for your board is shared by those users, other people could access and modify your board.

Please let me know if any of the above isn’t clear…


Un grand merci encore @Kiron Bondale !

Votre aide est vraiment précieuse, tout est plus clair maintenant (alors que je ne comprenais vraiment pas ce que se passait, et pas de réponse du support MIro).

et ok bien sûr pour les réponses en anglais, écrire en français me facilite déjà bien les choses !

donc, ok sur ce que vous indiquez, je comprends ces 3 options. décevant je trouve, de pouvoir faire + de choses avec la version gratuite, que payante, mais bon.

Je pense que je vais prendre le pass journée pour cette fois ci et on verra ensuite. J’ai en tous cas une solution, merci encore !

et aussi (mais dites moi si j’abuse ;-), j’ai une autre question : qd je fais un export CSV, il n’y a pas les résultats des votes !…  je ne comprends pas non  plus…

merci encore et bonne journée !


