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More frames/content = slower performance?

Hey, I’ve got about 25 frames of fairly elaborate graphics+text content (series of exercises for a class), would it be better to split it up across 2-3 separate Miro boards for speed/responsiveness, or will that not affect it?

Thanks, Paul

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2 replies

Isman Tanuri

Hi @Paul Deemer, from my experience, yes, it is better to keep each board as lean as possible. There is a distinct responsiveness issue when I have about 10-12 people on a board that is heavy with frames and images. Experienced these over the last few weeks.


PS. Your CSM class was a great foundation for me, Paul, totally enjoyed that experience!

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • May 15, 2020

@Paul Deemer -

I’ve got a fairly busy set of boards for the different classes I teach and haven’t really noticed performance issues with multiple frames. Images are a different story but once those have been loaded, it is still pretty responsive.

The challenge with multiple boards is that juggling between them can get confusing for the learners. I’ve only gone that route when I have a particular exercise (the agile dot game for example) which is so “busy” that it needs its own board.

The other benefit of single board courses is that exporting is simplified, especially if you don’t have a PDF editing tool for merging or splitting documents. 

